Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Track name: CAN'T STOP
Favorite bar: "I make them work, yea they sweat puddles/I go together with rap like noses and snot bubbles"
What's brew'n soup troopers? This is also a late banger that was submitted in by cookbook. When i was writing this song, i had already had a video in mind for it-which will be posted (the video that is) on a later blog. This song was actually written to another beat and actually started as a freestyle. I ended up rewriting it and chopping it up with another song which will be on the "Post Game Show" cd. I remember writing this song when i was in a dark place in life. So when you listen to the song, I'm not just speaking to the fans or listeners of the song, i was speaking to myself and trails i was going through. In the second verse, the line where i said "couldn't be stopped by speeding tickets" was actually one of the realist lines i ever wrote. I actually had my license pulled from me for excessive tickets. What is sad, is that most of the ones i got were when i was staying in montevallo, al. Now, i never pull the race card, but at the time, me and deeanna (who happens to be puetro rican, but the average person-she looks white) were dating and i was pulled over for having a "white girl" in my car. Some may not believe me, but there were two times where they made it clear, it wasn't becaused i did a "california roll" that i got a ticket. So when i say bigots and all those things couldn't stop me from getting to where god wanted me to be-i'm serious! I love to perform this song, because it allows people to break chains of bondage to whatever they are facing-whether it's addition, money problems, self esteem, etc-it can't stop you.
Remember the 4 S's:
1.SEE-see what i post
2. SHARE-share your comments on my blog page and other sites
3.SUBSCRIBE-subscribe to my blogs,etc
4.SHARE-share it with your friends, enemies on your social sites
Thanks for reading and spread the soup!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Track name: Let's Go!!!
Produced by: Luke limelight
Favorite bar: "Not a young joc/playa i'm a veteran? quench your thirst like a woman that's samartian"
First off, i got to give a shot out to my soup trooper-Robbo king-for this great video that he did. So, this is actually the first video for Superbowl Sunday, so enjoy and if you need any cartoon work or production...tell him i sent you.LOL! This is actually the first song i recorded for "Souperbowl Sunday". I was at beatbox recording studio with constantine the emcee and we made magic that day! This was my first time really working with him, i heard so much about him and wanted to work with him. He really did his enginerring part well. He actually helped find that right sound for the chorus, when it's supposed to sound like i'm on the bullhorn on his own. I knew then, that he wasn't just recording me for the money, but wanted to really make classic music. Luke is amazing on beats. Just like cookbook/handsome ken, he's been with me since the begining of my music carrer. Therefore, he knows the sound that i like. He was the first to really tag me with the "big band" sound. He would always send me the tracks that gave off the big band sound. Aside from the fact that i was actually in the band (Montevallo high school-Montevalo,al and Miles College-Fairfeild,al), he knew that this album was centered around a football sounding theme. I will admit that this isn't my most lyrical track off the album, but it's very dear to my heart. I can't go anywhere without performing it! Somewhat of a single, this song sets the tone for the album as well as my performances. So, tell me what you think of this track. Do you feel that the "big band" sound fits me?
Remember the 4 S's:
1.SEE-see what i post
2. SHARE-share your comments on my blog page and other sites
3.SUBSCRIBE-subscribe to my blogs,etc
4.SHARE-share it with your friends, enemies on your social sites
Thanks for reading and spread the soup!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Track name: The game plan
Produced by: Cookbook aka Handsome ken
Favorite bar: 3 way tie- "But that's what it took for me to get here, think i got this far for me to sit here?" and "double entendre when they say I'm washed up" and "I'm a QB, i always have a option."
First off there are three important things you need to know about this track:
1.this BEAT almost didn't make it on the album!-i had already received a beat for the track, but wasn't really satisfied with it. Now rewind a little earlier, handsome ken was supposed to be working on some tracks for the album Handsome ken has been with my as a producer and mentor throughout my whole music career. At the time of me making this album, he had a lot on his plate (or should i say in his bowl lol), so it looked like he wasn't going to produce anything on the album. Constantine the emcee (who actually helped mix and master the album) and i were getting ready to send the album off and ken gives me a call. "I think i got something for you chican." Well, what he had for me was the heat now known as...The gameplan!
2.This track only had ONE verse to it-this kinda goes in with the first thing that you didn't know about the album. Ken had told me he was experimenting with some effects with some new plug ins he got. So the second verse of "the game plan" was actually added after i heard the track. Which brings me to point number three.
3.This track was originally a PRAYER-This track was symbolic, because it was a double entendre. It was supposed to be a quarterback talking with his coach about the gameplan and on the other hand, it was me praying to God that what ever play/move he wanted me to do on this album, i was willing to do.
I wanted to make sure that i started the album off with a bang. I love big band sounding tracks and ken nailed it for me. This was/is supposed to set up the whole album ads though it's the pre show. It is supposed to feel like we're about to come on the feild and about to rip the game apart. I even include the producers/special features as my roster at the very end of the song. I just love the symbolism throughout this song and how it sets up my style and the flow the album. This is tied as my favorite track on the whole album. So, what are your thoughts on the track? What's your favorite lines? Are you even feeling the song at all? Let me hear your "gameplan" of this track! And remeber the four S's:
1.See-see the video
2. Show-show support and write bad or good comments
3.Subscribe-subscribe to the blogs
4.Share-or aka spread the soup
I'll be giving you more commentary on the rest of the tracks later. Remeber you can go to and purchase this track or the whole album on itunes or any other digtail retailer that is listed on there. Spread the soup!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
8 weeks of souperbowl!!!
What's brew'n soup troopers? I would first like to thank you for the great support from my last blog with my interview with grade A muzik (if you haven't seen it, please go check it out) and your great feedback. With my next move, i was going to wait until the beginning of the year, but since so many people are now getting involved-i'm game now! For the next 8 weeks leading up to superbowl sunday, i will be youtubing a song (not actual video, but they will be coming shortly) and giving a lyrical commentary on each song off of "souperbowl sunday". I'm giving my fans a chance to really go into my mind when i write as well as how it was in the "stewdio". I'll share my favorite lines/bars and tell you some things you probally didn't know about the lyrics. Since there are 8 weeks left and there are 16 tracks on souperbowl sunday, I'll be doing two songs a week. I will usually drop one on a sunday then a Wednesday. This week, since I'm behind, I'll drop one today and friday. Other than enjoy the commentaries, i simply ask you for four things:
1.SEE-see the videos & blogs, watch them, read them, love them lol
2.SHOW-show me what you think with comments-good or bad
3.SUBSCRIBE-please subscribe to ALL my sites-blogs,reverbnation,etc
4.SHARE-aka spread the soup to your Friends & enemies!
So, get ready for the next 8 weeks and give me your honest feedback and if you haven't purchased a copy of the album, do so at It will link you to the various sites you can get it at. Get ready and spread the soup!
1.SEE-see the videos & blogs, watch them, read them, love them lol
2.SHOW-show me what you think with comments-good or bad
3.SUBSCRIBE-please subscribe to ALL my sites-blogs,reverbnation,etc
4.SHARE-aka spread the soup to your Friends & enemies!
So, get ready for the next 8 weeks and give me your honest feedback and if you haven't purchased a copy of the album, do so at It will link you to the various sites you can get it at. Get ready and spread the soup!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
What's brew'n soup troopers? I wanted to share with you my first interview, which i did with gradeA muzik. He is a very hot producer/interviewer from alabama, who currently resides in atlanta. He came down to oxford,alabama and decided to interview me. It's a blessing, when people that don't know you personally can recongize your drive and see you not simply where you are-but where your going. Anyway, it was very windy out there, but we managed to pull the interview off. It's cool, because as soon as we got finished with the interview, it began raining-so God hooked us up! lol! It really was a honor to have this interview, because he has interviewed some of the greatest artists/producers repping alabama. What is really crazy is that one of the comments from the youtube repsonses was that they expected to see me and yelawolf take alabam to the next level-which is funny, because on the reverbnation charts for our area-he is #1 and i'm #2!
I'll tell you my three favorite parts of the interview:
1.spitting a verse from my track A.L.(Alabama lyrics) for the opener of the interview
2.As i was talking, you can hear a duck quack in the background
3.doing the freestyle-which is a real freestyle on the dome-which for the one's who don't know or don't understand-was a tribute to all of the artists that grade a has already interviewed.
So if you can, please watch it and comment on the youtube page. Also, PLEASE share it and get ready, because for 2011, i will be doing my viral things for you to enjoy, comment-good or bad, and share. In the blog you can tell me your favorite things from the interview as well. I would love to hear them. Thanks and spread the soup!
Friday, December 10, 2010
What's brew'n soup troop? I'll be back next week to give you part two of meet me in the er room, but today-I want to promote somebody. I feel that as artists, if we want to be successful in the industry, we should learn how to support other artists, producers,etc. I believe in sowing into other artists-espiecally when their hot! Which brings me to my man-M.A.J.O.R.S. He will be dropping his album entitled "Light's out!" on 12/31/2010. I will have a album review of it up as soon as i get it. By the way, i will be doing cd reviews in one of my new segments-c.h.i.c.a.n.'s choice. I will be giving full in depth reviews, so bring them to me. Hey, i may not be the source or xxl, but i'll be honest. Make sure you check out M.A.J.O.R.S. promo video for his album and he already has a leak on for the title track "light's out!" featuring jaelife And of course, if you haven't, check out"souperbowl sunday" and tell a friend. Spread the soup!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Disclaimer-This is a short version of my ER theory, but i think you will get the idea from it. If you want to hear the whole thing, comment me and we can talk about it or i can come back with a series.
What's brew'n soup troopers? I'm spazzing (not mad or anything, just seeing and hearing things that make me shake my head) a little, so excuse me.So, i want you all to meet me in the er room. Now some of you may be thinking I'm referring to the emergency room. Well you know what-your kinda right. There is a emergency in the er room. Er is a suffix that indicates your occupation. For example-hatter, pitcher etc. So basically, ER is what you pratice.
With all that being said-referring to your job/dream-if your calling yourself a "rappER" then you should be praticing it! You just can't write a couple of nice verses and record them and call yourself a rappER. You have to pratice your craft. If your a producER, you need to pratice producing. Whatever you are a workER of, do it to the best of your abilities. STOP EXPECTING TO BE PAID FOR SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T PRATICED!
Now let's flip it on the spiritual tip, because i think some people get things twisted. If your saved (meaning believing in christ) then your not a sinnER. You sin. SinnERS pratice sin, Christians sin, but live a Christ like lifestyle. We can't be perfect, but we need to stop demoting ourselves of what we are. How can you be a praisEr and a worshipER and a sinnER? It doesn't make sense. Yo, there is a emergency within our mentalities, so i suggest you "pratice" on meeting me in the ER room. Spread the soup!
What's brew'n soup troopers? I'm spazzing (not mad or anything, just seeing and hearing things that make me shake my head) a little, so excuse me.So, i want you all to meet me in the er room. Now some of you may be thinking I'm referring to the emergency room. Well you know what-your kinda right. There is a emergency in the er room. Er is a suffix that indicates your occupation. For example-hatter, pitcher etc. So basically, ER is what you pratice.
With all that being said-referring to your job/dream-if your calling yourself a "rappER" then you should be praticing it! You just can't write a couple of nice verses and record them and call yourself a rappER. You have to pratice your craft. If your a producER, you need to pratice producing. Whatever you are a workER of, do it to the best of your abilities. STOP EXPECTING TO BE PAID FOR SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T PRATICED!
Now let's flip it on the spiritual tip, because i think some people get things twisted. If your saved (meaning believing in christ) then your not a sinnER. You sin. SinnERS pratice sin, Christians sin, but live a Christ like lifestyle. We can't be perfect, but we need to stop demoting ourselves of what we are. How can you be a praisEr and a worshipER and a sinnER? It doesn't make sense. Yo, there is a emergency within our mentalities, so i suggest you "pratice" on meeting me in the ER room. Spread the soup!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What's brew'n soup troopers? Man, the response from you guys is crazy! I feel like a celebrity. Lol! Speaking of celebrities, this edition of "two spoons up" comes from anniston,Alabama's own major hip hop artist Ricko the #1 draft pick. I've known ricko for about three years and we've done a lot of shows and events together. one of the biggest is Summer jam in anniston,al-which by the way is nominated for event of the year for the southern entertainment awards-go vote at we've just grown to be friends. The one thing you learn about ricko is he is a certified grinder and what makes this vlog so important to me, is that he took the tie out of his busy schedule and co signed the album-he didn't even speak on any of his projects or himself. Wow, so artist can be humble and show love? Lol. It means a lot coming from a artist who has done interviews with rick ross, ace hood, DJ khaled and other artists that he actually feels my tracks. Also, Ricko gets bonus points, because he was the first vlog and did a great job on it! So soup troopers...take notes! lol! So to return the love-make sure you check out ricko at and please vote for summer jam to win event of the year. check out the vlog send in your versions and have fun with them. Let's get it brew'n and Spread the soup.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Soup trooper Joey logano

What's brew'n soup troopers? First off, shout out to soup trooper-Jesse Leshko-for grabbing a picture of me and joey logano-Nascar driver for home depot-even though he didn't have the flash on!lol! So the story goes like this-Joey logano came to home depot in oxford, Alabama to sign autographs as he was preparing for the races in talladega. My friends asked me if i was going to go and get a autograph from him and i was like "Maybe i can give him a CD and my autograph!" I really didn't know how to take him, because as i passed by him at first, I yelled out "Shake and bake" not realizing he was by me and embarrassed myself. So as it was my turn to go up and as he signed my hat-i asked him "So what kind of music do you like to listen to? Fast, crunk hip hop?" I couldn't believe i asked him that, but to my surprise-he answered positively. So i recommended my cd and he took it! Here is the kicker! As i walked off-he yelled-"Are you going to sign it?". Giving birth to our picture above. So in the back of my mind, i was thinking-"did he take the cd just to look good in public?" Well, once again to my surprise-as he left out the parking lot, he was bumping the album!!! So, joey logano gets "two spoons up" being my first celebirty soup trooper! Prayfully, he'll let me do a theme song for him-why don't you soup troopers help me out on that and let's get him to let me make him one!lol! Spread the soup and remember to send me your pics!
Need a cd/mixtape/film review?
What's brewing soup troopers? I'm about to start with my new project-chican's choice. This is where i will be reviewing indie artist's cds/mixtapes/films and giving a in depth review. Yes, i will go track by track (or entire movie including credits) and give you a real review. It saddens me that some of the artist that i have spoke with tell me that so many sites charge a arm and a leg for a cd review-which at times is only a three to six sentence review. I go through every song and i rate each one of them. My rating system is simple (yet weird to some who may not know me).
2 spoons down = 1 mic
1 spoon up = 2 mics
2 spoons up = 3 mics
2 spoons and a bowl = 4 mics (classic)
I also will tell you my favorite bar with ever song. I will be fair and honest. I want see all of us make it, so i won't lie to you to make you feel good. I do, however, have some requirements.
1. I will not review albums/mixtapes with explict mateiral. I'm not hating, but i try to keep it positive and promote positive lyrics on my blogs and site.
2. Make sure you have a website(that has all your contact info) or somewhere that i can send your fans. I'm trying to help you out! If i have no where to send the traffic, then it's a red light for exposure for you. Think about that for a second!
3.Make sure you send me everything together and in order. Please don't have me contacting you for anything. If you got link, makes sure you send me the link so i know and can give credit to your producers and so forth.
Now some of you may be asking...Why is he doing this? Well, it's because i'm in the same boat some of you are in and i decided to help shine some light on other artists besides myself. I truly believe in sowing into other people first, before i put all efforts into myself. Also remember i do have a nine to five and i already have some reviews i'm working on now-so be patient! You never know if my review on my blog may get picked up by a website or may be the push to get you to that next level. Don't despise small beginings-i don't and won't to you. So spread this blog and spread the soup.
2 spoons down = 1 mic
1 spoon up = 2 mics
2 spoons up = 3 mics
2 spoons and a bowl = 4 mics (classic)
I also will tell you my favorite bar with ever song. I will be fair and honest. I want see all of us make it, so i won't lie to you to make you feel good. I do, however, have some requirements.
1. I will not review albums/mixtapes with explict mateiral. I'm not hating, but i try to keep it positive and promote positive lyrics on my blogs and site.
2. Make sure you have a website(that has all your contact info) or somewhere that i can send your fans. I'm trying to help you out! If i have no where to send the traffic, then it's a red light for exposure for you. Think about that for a second!
3.Make sure you send me everything together and in order. Please don't have me contacting you for anything. If you got link, makes sure you send me the link so i know and can give credit to your producers and so forth.
Now some of you may be asking...Why is he doing this? Well, it's because i'm in the same boat some of you are in and i decided to help shine some light on other artists besides myself. I truly believe in sowing into other people first, before i put all efforts into myself. Also remember i do have a nine to five and i already have some reviews i'm working on now-so be patient! You never know if my review on my blog may get picked up by a website or may be the push to get you to that next level. Don't despise small beginings-i don't and won't to you. So spread this blog and spread the soup.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Soup troop movement
What's brew'n soup troop? Just wanted to once again thank all of you for being a part of this movement. I want you all to know, I couldn't and can't do this without you. I want to honor all my fans be allowing a "Two Spoons Up" blog to my fans. If you have purchased "Souperbowl Sunday" (make sure you take a picture holding the cd or CD cover) or any merch or have any pics with me-send them to and i will post them in a blog JUST FOR YOU. I want to have a semi interview with you (lol)! Answer three questions for me with your email:
1. How long have you been a fan/soup trooper?
2. What caused you to become a fan/soup trooper?
3.What's your favorite track from Souperbowl Sunday?
4.Why is it your favorite track?
5. Where do you see and the soup troopers going in the future?
Also, if you want to do a video response-that's worth extra credit!If you want to throw anything else in the email, please feel free and I'll make sure i put my 2 cents in as well (lol). Make SURE YOU SEND THE PICTURE, so i can let the world see your support. Spread the soup.
1. How long have you been a fan/soup trooper?
2. What caused you to become a fan/soup trooper?
3.What's your favorite track from Souperbowl Sunday?
4.Why is it your favorite track?
5. Where do you see and the soup troopers going in the future?
Also, if you want to do a video response-that's worth extra credit!If you want to throw anything else in the email, please feel free and I'll make sure i put my 2 cents in as well (lol). Make SURE YOU SEND THE PICTURE, so i can let the world see your support. Spread the soup.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
disney on ice

What's brew'n soup troopers? I know that i usually come to you all with music stuff, but today i wanted to share some personal things with you. Today, i went to Disney on ice with my daughter. Now, when i first learned about us getting tickets for it, i was like...OK. You see, giving you a little background on me...I'm not that big on "cute" stuff. I know i should be, but i guess it's cause seeing all the Disney princesses just wasn't a highlight that i wanted to have. I will admit though, as the the time grew closer to today, i got excited. Some of the excitement was just to spend time with the family and the other was just for the fact it was a weekend. Even on the way there, i wasn't sure how it was going to go. Was I in for a surprise!!!
As soon as it began and Tinkerbell came out (man...she was good), patience was excited. I will admit, i was crying (tears of joy) for the first 20 minutes of the show. As i looked into my her eyes and saw....her face of excitement to the 10Th power-i was in awe. I seriously couldn't keep the tears from coming down. All of the "man" stereotypes fell to the side. My ego/pride was in check. I fell in love with being a parent again. This was my favorite moment being a parent-aside from her being born. Truth talk, i was enjoying it as much as she was! My eyes were glued to the skaters. I started thinking about how selfish parents can get when it comes to sharing moments with their kids memories. If i would've went to work or did a show-i would've missed this. Men, we got to step up. We got to be there for our families more-for our wives as well as our kids. As a male, your never to "male" to cry or do "cute" stuff. So the next time you try to step out of doing a family outing...rethink it. Spread the soup.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
triple c's of doing biz with people
What's brew'n soup troopers? So, As I've been approaching this week doing business, I've been doing some praying (and if i could be honest, the lack of prayer is what has caused me to not be where i need to be in the first place) and really just filling people out and i've come to the conclusion that i will operate within three c's while working with other people. These three c's have been working for me recently, so hopefully they may be able to help you out one day.
1. CLEAR-make everything you state in your agreement clear. Don't allow either party to assume. Sometimes, we aren't clear with what we want and get upset with the results (either a terrible product or someone not paying you). So, if your first conversation is clear, then by the end of it you'll know if you want to finish the project with this person.
2. CONSCIENCE WITH NO COMPROMISING-Make sure your keeping your morals and standards working with your partner. Don't try to mess someone over or W.I.T.F.M. (what's in it for me?) them. Don't allow them to make you do something that goes against what you believe, because after it's done...their gone and your stuck with that product. got to sleep at night.
3.CONTRACT-Write the vision and make it plain. It's not against you or your partner, but by making it tangible, both of you are making everything clear in which is expected from both parties. Also, with something written, you both can really grasp the vision of getting the product/event/etc done correctly. On a sad, but realistic note-if you got to take them to got proof.
Well, i pray that these tips help you and cause less head ache in your business ventures. spread the soup
1. CLEAR-make everything you state in your agreement clear. Don't allow either party to assume. Sometimes, we aren't clear with what we want and get upset with the results (either a terrible product or someone not paying you). So, if your first conversation is clear, then by the end of it you'll know if you want to finish the project with this person.
2. CONSCIENCE WITH NO COMPROMISING-Make sure your keeping your morals and standards working with your partner. Don't try to mess someone over or W.I.T.F.M. (what's in it for me?) them. Don't allow them to make you do something that goes against what you believe, because after it's done...their gone and your stuck with that product. got to sleep at night.
3.CONTRACT-Write the vision and make it plain. It's not against you or your partner, but by making it tangible, both of you are making everything clear in which is expected from both parties. Also, with something written, you both can really grasp the vision of getting the product/event/etc done correctly. On a sad, but realistic note-if you got to take them to got proof.
Well, i pray that these tips help you and cause less head ache in your business ventures. spread the soup
Sunday, October 31, 2010
what a week!!!!
What's brew'm soup troop? WOW, WHAT A WEEK! First off, I got food posioning this week and it was a LONG week at work. I never get sick, it's not that i think i'm souperman, it's just that i never get sick. For the last three years at my job, i got a check from my attendance for not using my sick time. It's a blessing and plus, i just work through it, if i feel bad or something i just sweat it out (lol)! the only time i ever get sick is when i get food posioned and it just so happened that this week-and for the first time-i had three shows for the weekend. I'm not the one to cancel shows, so i continued to push through.I prayed and didn't have to worry about fasting (cause i couldn't eat anything anyway lol). The first show went well. I was outside, so the weather messed with me a little. The kids really enjoyed it and wanted a encore, but i had to bounce to get ready for the next show. The second show went great, but i had the WORST case of cottonmouth EVER! My third show was the best. I love my band. We connect so well, that even though we didn't pratice, we can flow so well. We even flowed/freestyled into a whole new song! And low and behold-my food posioning has passed through. When you focus on the right things, everything else doesn't seem so important. I put myself and how i was feeling out the picture, because i know people were depending on me. This will be a week to remember. Spread the soup
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
thanks J_ROC!
What's brew'n soup troop? So sometimes, as a artist, you get those "am i doing the right thing" moments. I was just browsing through my site (by the way, if you haven't bought a copy of Souperbowl Sunday-then your missing a treat) and happened to go to my itunes link. I was just really looking when i happened to see this comment-
"by J_ROC
Just checked out this cd, and I must say that it's one of the best I ever heard. His word play and metaphors are on point. His other album "come and get it" is also a classic!"
I was taken back. First off, which is the best point, is that i don't even know who this fan is. I didn't ask for it, they did it on their own. Secondly, they made a comment on "Come and get it" which is a cd that i dropped 5 YEARS AGO! This showed me to never forsake the seeds that you have sown. You never know when they will come into a harvest. it took me five years to see some fruit from what i am doing. Never give up on your purpose in life. You never know who you are affecting. Third, he said it was a great cd, so why are you waiting to check it out??? Thanks J_ROC for spreading that soup!
"by J_ROC
Just checked out this cd, and I must say that it's one of the best I ever heard. His word play and metaphors are on point. His other album "come and get it" is also a classic!"
I was taken back. First off, which is the best point, is that i don't even know who this fan is. I didn't ask for it, they did it on their own. Secondly, they made a comment on "Come and get it" which is a cd that i dropped 5 YEARS AGO! This showed me to never forsake the seeds that you have sown. You never know when they will come into a harvest. it took me five years to see some fruit from what i am doing. Never give up on your purpose in life. You never know who you are affecting. Third, he said it was a great cd, so why are you waiting to check it out??? Thanks J_ROC for spreading that soup!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
unforgiveness-victim or victor?
What's brew'n soup troop? I heard something real powerful the other night about unforgiveness. Basically, he said that holding grudes makes you a victim to the person your holding the grudge to. I thought about it for a second and it is 100 % true. I thought about how some people are "victims" of anger and grudges to some people who-quite frankly-don't either KNOW or CARE that you don't like them or have those feelings towards them. You can't and won't grow if your holding a grudge against someone. I remeber having someone at work that I got into it with one time and sometimes the thought of seeing them enraged me. When it gets to that point, you need to repent and work things out with that person. When you are a victim, you are helpless! I wasn't raised (nor were you) to be helpless. Sometimes it's the internal rather than the external problems that really give us a hard time. Unforgiveness can creep up on you. It's like a wound that hasn't truly healed. When you learn to forgive, you can be the victor. When someone knows whatever they do to you can't get to you....they lose. Don't even give your enemy the joy of taking your joy. Stop being a victim of grudges and anger and being a slave to it. Be a victor not a victim. Spread the soup
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
There's nothing you can do about it!
You know I've come a "long" way in life and something that I've noticed from my past, is that people change. Some days they love you and some days they hate you. One of the hardest things for me to take in was "some people are going to hate you-and there's nothing you can do about it." Now the first part about that quote may not bother you, but that second part messed me up! When i was suffering from people bondage (being a slave of what people think about me and trying to please them/get their approval by any means possible)that second part hurt me. I had a hard time accepting that people wouldn't like me and i hadn't done ANYTHING to them. There have been people in my life that fit this quote and i continue to operate in love and keep it moving. But I've come a long way and realize that you can't please everyone. I found out that people are going to have a predetermined opinion about you and the way you live your life people are going to either learn to accept you or keep their opinion and not WANT to get to know you. the higher you go in life, the lower they want to see you. So ironically, aside from the peace of God, i receive peace from the very quote that caused me so much pain! So I urge you to continue to pursue your purpose that God has laid before you and strive to be a better person and not worry about what people think, because "some people are going to hate you-and there's nothing you can do about it!". Spread the soup!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Summer jam article
check me out in the anniston star
Montevallo native C.H.I.C.A.N. George is one of the performers at this year’s Summer Jam at Zinn Park in Anniston on Saturday. Photo: Todd Fuller/Special to The Star
slideshow Zinn Park will be booming with music this weekend as Anniston native Ricko Swink and Sandra T of Lavish Lyfe Music Group present Summer Jam 2. Featuring independent artists from around the nation, Swink says this event is his way of giving back to the community.
“Anniston doesn’t have the Juneteenth anymore and this event, I’m hoping, is one that will bring about unity,” he said recently in a phone interview from Atlanta.
Montevallo native and rap artist C.H.I.C.A.N. George says he plans to “spread the soup” as he performs, meaning that he is spreading the truth through his rap.
“It’s kind of a double entendre; meant to be the truth and remedy for the sick,” George said. “The Bible rarely recalls Jesus in the church. He was out trying to bring them [those who are sick] to the church. And I’m trying to reach out to people who are sick or lost as well. Creativity has been lost through rap and it doesn’t have the message it used to. It’s geared towards the wrong things.”
When asked about his performance at Summer Jam 2, George stated that all fans could expect a transparent performance.
“I don’t get on the stage and perform then get off and live differently,” he said. “You have to live the message.”
Swink says that everyone will be able to enjoy the event, which will feature independent hip-hop and R&B artists. Sunni Stephens of Miami will be coming up to perform, and Swink himself will grace the stage. Special guests will also be in tow and include artists from nationally known Slip-N-Slide Records, and Ozone magazine.
“We will also be celebrating the release of my mixtape Warning Shotz 2: The Reload at the official after-party being held at the Annistonian,” Swink said. While the Summer Jam is open to the entire family, Swink added that the after-party is geared toward those 18 and up.
Summer Jam 2 begins at 2 p.m. Saturday at Zinn Park in Anniston. The event is free of charge, but a special concert package, including a T-shirt and copy of Swink’s mixtape is available for $12. For more information, call 256-770-1759.
Erica Long is a freelance writer in Oxford. Summer Jam 2 schedule
4:30-4:45 —Intro
4:45-4:55 — Country C
5-5:10 — Gsmooth
5:15-5:25 — Tre
5:30-5:40 — Mic Check
5:45-5:55 — Dbest
6:15-6:25 — YKIC
6:30-6:40 — Money Flaco
6:50-7 — Goat
7:05-7:15 — Cato
7:20-7:30 — Gmni
7:35-7:45 — Hypno
7:50-8 — Chican George
8:05-8:15 — Oddyssey
8:20-8:30 — Tella
8:35-8:45 — Ttouch
8:50-9 — Sunni
9:05-9:15 — Ballgame
9:20-9:30 — Jus Payne
9:35-9:45 — Fixx
9:50-10 — Ricko
Copyright 2010 Anniston Star. All rights reserved.
Read more: Anniston Star - Montevallo native to perform at Summer Jam 2
Montevallo native C.H.I.C.A.N. George is one of the performers at this year’s Summer Jam at Zinn Park in Anniston on Saturday. Photo: Todd Fuller/Special to The Star
slideshow Zinn Park will be booming with music this weekend as Anniston native Ricko Swink and Sandra T of Lavish Lyfe Music Group present Summer Jam 2. Featuring independent artists from around the nation, Swink says this event is his way of giving back to the community.
“Anniston doesn’t have the Juneteenth anymore and this event, I’m hoping, is one that will bring about unity,” he said recently in a phone interview from Atlanta.
Montevallo native and rap artist C.H.I.C.A.N. George says he plans to “spread the soup” as he performs, meaning that he is spreading the truth through his rap.
“It’s kind of a double entendre; meant to be the truth and remedy for the sick,” George said. “The Bible rarely recalls Jesus in the church. He was out trying to bring them [those who are sick] to the church. And I’m trying to reach out to people who are sick or lost as well. Creativity has been lost through rap and it doesn’t have the message it used to. It’s geared towards the wrong things.”
When asked about his performance at Summer Jam 2, George stated that all fans could expect a transparent performance.
“I don’t get on the stage and perform then get off and live differently,” he said. “You have to live the message.”
Swink says that everyone will be able to enjoy the event, which will feature independent hip-hop and R&B artists. Sunni Stephens of Miami will be coming up to perform, and Swink himself will grace the stage. Special guests will also be in tow and include artists from nationally known Slip-N-Slide Records, and Ozone magazine.
“We will also be celebrating the release of my mixtape Warning Shotz 2: The Reload at the official after-party being held at the Annistonian,” Swink said. While the Summer Jam is open to the entire family, Swink added that the after-party is geared toward those 18 and up.
Summer Jam 2 begins at 2 p.m. Saturday at Zinn Park in Anniston. The event is free of charge, but a special concert package, including a T-shirt and copy of Swink’s mixtape is available for $12. For more information, call 256-770-1759.
Erica Long is a freelance writer in Oxford. Summer Jam 2 schedule
4:30-4:45 —Intro
4:45-4:55 — Country C
5-5:10 — Gsmooth
5:15-5:25 — Tre
5:30-5:40 — Mic Check
5:45-5:55 — Dbest
6:15-6:25 — YKIC
6:30-6:40 — Money Flaco
6:50-7 — Goat
7:05-7:15 — Cato
7:20-7:30 — Gmni
7:35-7:45 — Hypno
7:50-8 — Chican George
8:05-8:15 — Oddyssey
8:20-8:30 — Tella
8:35-8:45 — Ttouch
8:50-9 — Sunni
9:05-9:15 — Ballgame
9:20-9:30 — Jus Payne
9:35-9:45 — Fixx
9:50-10 — Ricko
Copyright 2010 Anniston Star. All rights reserved.
Read more: Anniston Star - Montevallo native to perform at Summer Jam 2
Sunday, May 16, 2010
when are you going to use your blogspot?
So this is my first blogspot post! finally! Lol! I would like to thank you for reading this and joining in on this journey with me.This is cool having a digital diary!Lol! So much has been happening lately, so let me give you a update.The album dropped on May 5th and has actually been doing well. Right now, i'm in orlando shooting videos for "can't stop" and "scoreboard". We will be shooting more stuff later on as i'm down here. Honestly, if i didn't have god in my life, i'd be going crazy right now! lol! It's just that he really has opened so many doors for me and all the things i've ever prayed for are not just happening, but happening right now! I just want to also give thanks to my wife, dee aka buttarican, patience and lyric. Remember artists-family comes first. A.C. and the N.L.C.C. family has been there for me since day one and i thank you guys for that. SWAT team and all the other producers for SBS-you guys gave me some heat. Valentine 365 and theo soul gave me great vocals on the album. A real big shot out to responsible media for getting me to the next level and to all my soup troopers out there (which i will have a blog for you all soon!). If ou haven't heard the album-please do so. Make sure you check me out on my or facebook, myspace and twitter. You can also catch me at reverbnation. You can buy the album at cdbaby, itunes , amazon and really everywhere else on the net. i promise i will keep you guys in the loop more. Well, i gotta go-videos got to get shot. remember to spread the soup!
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