What's brewing soup troopers? I just wanted to tell all of you thanks for making the success of "audible" possible. I let the fans vote for the video you all wanted to see and you all picked "audible". I got to admit...i wasn't expecting that. LOL! I thought it would've been another track, but i really think that this video turned out well. I made a facebook event and had over a hundred people say that they were coming and I said that I wanted a hundred views by the end of the day. With the push of my fans over the weekend i was averaging a hundred views a day!I made a deal with tig knight, the director of the video, that i was going to beat his highest posted video at with 6,000 views. So, soup troopers...we got a long way to go! LOL! If you have or know of any web or blogsites that are instrested in posting videos, please let me know. I want to submit the video everywhere i can. Reguardless of what social site you got, share the video. I haven't heard one negative thing about it yet! I'll be doing a video commentary on my chican's choice site, so make sure it out over there. Remember, the polls are open and i'll keep you informed about the choices as they narrow down. Thanks again. I love all of you and God bless...Spread the soup.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011

What's brewing soup troopers? Just letting you all know that my video for "audible" is dropping this week.It will be dropping friday and i'll be putting it on my facebook page first at 9:00 am. It's crazy, because i made a event for it and a lot of my fans are excited about it. I will be doing a video commentary with it and adding the link to the video. If your not my friend on facebook or twitter-make sure you link up with me. It's chicangeorge for and @chicangeorge. I want to make sure we share and RT this thing to everyone!!!! Spread the soup!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? I have some big news. I'm moving! Well, not me...but my chican's choice segment. I decided to break it up. I would rather you come to the spread the soup blogspot and learn more of chicangeorge the artist and what i got going on. The chican's choice at wordpress will be for my cd and video reviews and interviews for other artists. I have a lot of artists that will be showcased on the site.I will be doing different genres as well. There will be rules and guidelines in getting things reviewed, so make sure you email me at for details. I will also have it stated on my site as well. Well, thanks for the support and I hope all of my fans/soup troopers support both sites. Thank you and spread the soup.
Monday, April 4, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? I wanted to hit you with some weekly soup. I wanted to talk to you about the difference between being informed and in fear. There are a lot of issues and things going on in the world right now. A lot of things can be frustrating, misleading and even scary...but you need to be informed and not in fear. This isn't a trick to get you to watch more news or become right winged or left winged or a democrat or republican or even like Obama. I want you to just be informed with what is going on. Not just on a national or worldly aspect-but even in local things. Some parents aren't even informed on what their kids are doing. They drop their kids off to school, church or over a friends house and are not informed of what is going on or who is teaching your child what. Then they turn around and are afraid of what their kids may be doing-but if you were informed and more involved with them-it wouldn't be a issue. You may not be informed of certain laws that pertain to you. You may not understand spiritual things because of being lack of knowing or fear of knowing things in the bible. "Fear" means concern, distress and being anxious. Thee are not good things for you physically, mentally or spiritually. We shouldn't be living our lives in fear. The word "form" means taking shape within a certain character or mode. So, my question is what is your character? When your informed, it allows you to be within your form and helps you show your character. The reason why some people may think of you differently then others is because they don't know your true character. You say one thing, but when fear steps in or ignorance (not knowing-not calling you dumb lol) then they see your CHARACTER change. When someone tries to give you knowledge or wisdom and you don't want to accept it out of fear or just reject it-your informing people your true character. I have a strong character. I understand God created me to be a king and a king is strong and is always informed about his kingdom and surroundings. So, you can't scare me with wars and changes in life-because I'm always in my form when you inform me. Think about it. This week, get more informed. Be honest with yourself and think about how your TRUE charter is and is it what you want it to be. If your a parent, take a little more time out with your kids-go to a PTA meeting,find out a little more about their friends, STAY AT CHURCH with them. If you've been living thinking and believing something out of fear or ignorance-inform yourself about the truth and don't be in fear about it. Spread the soup.
Sunday, April 3, 2011

1. How long have you been a fan/soup trooper?For some time, i believe since Rubbernecking.
2. What caused you to become a fan/soup trooper?Well I personally know Chican, and I believe in a strong support system with loyalty as the building block to success. So to translate, I think Chican is a great artist and person and I support him in whatever he does, plus his raps are the cats pajamas.
3.What's your favorite track from Souperbowl Sunday?Thats a tough question but I like "Put Me in the Game."
4.Why is it your favorite track?The rift is ridiculous and Chican tears the vocals up during the chorus. Controlled chaos, you can't draft talent like that.
5. Where do you see and the soup troopers going in the future?Well if Chican keeps putting out singles like "Where ya been?" with great guest stars and amazing beats coupled with impressive rapping skills, I figure the future holds a base on the moon. Nah, bump that, we're going to Saturn. The CHICAN movement, welcome to space.
I personally want to say that Roger has been a huge fan from early in my career. He is very honest and will tell me if he's really feeling a track or not. He was such a great fan, I actually used him on "Where ya been?". He kept hitting me up and asking when I was going to drop something new and actually left me a lot of messages on my voice mail. So, I decided to do a song for him and all my fans that were waiting on something before I dropped "Souperbowl Sunday". You can check that track out on my myspace page. If you have a picture with me or of any other chicangeorge merch-send it to me at and also answer those 5 questions up above. I will post them here for everyone to see. I want to tell all of you that I appericate all the things that all of you do and want to show you my support by recognizing you. Make sure you share this or RT this to your family, friends and enemies and SPREAD THE SOUP!
Friday, April 1, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? I just wanted to let all of you see my promo video done by Tig Knight. It is for my video for my song "audible". Also, this was my first time revealing my spread the soup clothing line. I am wearing my "What's brewing?" shirt. I will have "What's brewing?" "Spread the soup" and "Soup trooper" shirts for all the fans. The prices will be up on the website soon. I also have hats, wristbands (cloth), shorts and many more things coming for you all soon. I'll actually be doing a photo shoot with all the different colors and shirts soon. Also, be ready for that video for "audible" coming next week. Spread The Soup!
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