What's brewing soup troopers? I just wanted to tell all of you thanks for making the success of "audible" possible. I let the fans vote for the video you all wanted to see and you all picked "audible". I got to admit...i wasn't expecting that. LOL! I thought it would've been another track, but i really think that this video turned out well. I made a facebook event and had over a hundred people say that they were coming and I said that I wanted a hundred views by the end of the day. With the push of my fans over the weekend i was averaging a hundred views a day!I made a deal with tig knight, the director of the video, that i was going to beat his highest posted video at with 6,000 views. So, soup troopers...we got a long way to go! LOL! If you have or know of any web or blogsites that are instrested in posting videos, please let me know. I want to submit the video everywhere i can. Reguardless of what social site you got, share the video. I haven't heard one negative thing about it yet! I'll be doing a video commentary on my chican's choice site, so make sure it out over there. Remember, the polls are open and i'll keep you informed about the choices as they narrow down. Thanks again. I love all of you and God bless...Spread the soup.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011

What's brewing soup troopers? Just letting you all know that my video for "audible" is dropping this week.It will be dropping friday and i'll be putting it on my facebook page first at 9:00 am. It's crazy, because i made a event for it and a lot of my fans are excited about it. I will be doing a video commentary with it and adding the link to the video. If your not my friend on facebook or twitter-make sure you link up with me. It's chicangeorge for and @chicangeorge. I want to make sure we share and RT this thing to everyone!!!! Spread the soup!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? I have some big news. I'm moving! Well, not me...but my chican's choice segment. I decided to break it up. I would rather you come to the spread the soup blogspot and learn more of chicangeorge the artist and what i got going on. The chican's choice at wordpress will be for my cd and video reviews and interviews for other artists. I have a lot of artists that will be showcased on the site.I will be doing different genres as well. There will be rules and guidelines in getting things reviewed, so make sure you email me at for details. I will also have it stated on my site as well. Well, thanks for the support and I hope all of my fans/soup troopers support both sites. Thank you and spread the soup.
Monday, April 4, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? I wanted to hit you with some weekly soup. I wanted to talk to you about the difference between being informed and in fear. There are a lot of issues and things going on in the world right now. A lot of things can be frustrating, misleading and even scary...but you need to be informed and not in fear. This isn't a trick to get you to watch more news or become right winged or left winged or a democrat or republican or even like Obama. I want you to just be informed with what is going on. Not just on a national or worldly aspect-but even in local things. Some parents aren't even informed on what their kids are doing. They drop their kids off to school, church or over a friends house and are not informed of what is going on or who is teaching your child what. Then they turn around and are afraid of what their kids may be doing-but if you were informed and more involved with them-it wouldn't be a issue. You may not be informed of certain laws that pertain to you. You may not understand spiritual things because of being lack of knowing or fear of knowing things in the bible. "Fear" means concern, distress and being anxious. Thee are not good things for you physically, mentally or spiritually. We shouldn't be living our lives in fear. The word "form" means taking shape within a certain character or mode. So, my question is what is your character? When your informed, it allows you to be within your form and helps you show your character. The reason why some people may think of you differently then others is because they don't know your true character. You say one thing, but when fear steps in or ignorance (not knowing-not calling you dumb lol) then they see your CHARACTER change. When someone tries to give you knowledge or wisdom and you don't want to accept it out of fear or just reject it-your informing people your true character. I have a strong character. I understand God created me to be a king and a king is strong and is always informed about his kingdom and surroundings. So, you can't scare me with wars and changes in life-because I'm always in my form when you inform me. Think about it. This week, get more informed. Be honest with yourself and think about how your TRUE charter is and is it what you want it to be. If your a parent, take a little more time out with your kids-go to a PTA meeting,find out a little more about their friends, STAY AT CHURCH with them. If you've been living thinking and believing something out of fear or ignorance-inform yourself about the truth and don't be in fear about it. Spread the soup.
Sunday, April 3, 2011

1. How long have you been a fan/soup trooper?For some time, i believe since Rubbernecking.
2. What caused you to become a fan/soup trooper?Well I personally know Chican, and I believe in a strong support system with loyalty as the building block to success. So to translate, I think Chican is a great artist and person and I support him in whatever he does, plus his raps are the cats pajamas.
3.What's your favorite track from Souperbowl Sunday?Thats a tough question but I like "Put Me in the Game."
4.Why is it your favorite track?The rift is ridiculous and Chican tears the vocals up during the chorus. Controlled chaos, you can't draft talent like that.
5. Where do you see and the soup troopers going in the future?Well if Chican keeps putting out singles like "Where ya been?" with great guest stars and amazing beats coupled with impressive rapping skills, I figure the future holds a base on the moon. Nah, bump that, we're going to Saturn. The CHICAN movement, welcome to space.
I personally want to say that Roger has been a huge fan from early in my career. He is very honest and will tell me if he's really feeling a track or not. He was such a great fan, I actually used him on "Where ya been?". He kept hitting me up and asking when I was going to drop something new and actually left me a lot of messages on my voice mail. So, I decided to do a song for him and all my fans that were waiting on something before I dropped "Souperbowl Sunday". You can check that track out on my myspace page. If you have a picture with me or of any other chicangeorge merch-send it to me at and also answer those 5 questions up above. I will post them here for everyone to see. I want to tell all of you that I appericate all the things that all of you do and want to show you my support by recognizing you. Make sure you share this or RT this to your family, friends and enemies and SPREAD THE SOUP!
Friday, April 1, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? I just wanted to let all of you see my promo video done by Tig Knight. It is for my video for my song "audible". Also, this was my first time revealing my spread the soup clothing line. I am wearing my "What's brewing?" shirt. I will have "What's brewing?" "Spread the soup" and "Soup trooper" shirts for all the fans. The prices will be up on the website soon. I also have hats, wristbands (cloth), shorts and many more things coming for you all soon. I'll actually be doing a photo shoot with all the different colors and shirts soon. Also, be ready for that video for "audible" coming next week. Spread The Soup!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When people put the number 32 and greatness in the same sentence, certain things may come to mind. One could be the greatness from the players that wore the number 32 jersey-such as O.J. Simpson, Jim Brown, Magic Johnson,Karl Malone and many more . However, there is a new "lyrical athlete" that shall go down in the hall of fame with the number 32. That artist goes by the name of Jaelife. Jaelife brings nothing less then greatness on his mixtape "32 barz of greatness". Assisted by DJ Sean Blu, Jaelife reminds the world how great Hip Hop can be when it's done right.
YOU KNOW MY STEEZ-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"IF HIP HOP IS DYING,I'M THE ANTIBIOTIC" Jaelife starts the mixtape off with a beat from one of the greatest groups (R.I.P. GURU)and let's people know his "steez". He demonstrates "super Mario music" and shows he's on the last level about to end King Koopa's reign in the game and terrorizing it.
TAKE IT FURTHER(FEATURING DIDYMUS)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL FAVORITE BAR-"YOU GOT A PROBLEM I SOLVE IT, NO SCOOBY SNACKS" Jaelife and Didymus make a classic hip hop joint and really "take it further" than most artists can't take hip hop. Both verses are flawless and leave your jaw dropped as your bobbing your head. At the end of the track, Jaelife gives us his perspective of "greatness" and really breaks it down for the listeners. This is definitely a "REPEAT OFFENDER" track.
A PART OF NATURE (FEATURING BROOKE)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL UP BEAT-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"SO TIRED OF THE DOLLAR MENU I DESERVE THAT SHRIMP AND STEAK" Brooke does a good job on the hook and draws you in for the verse. I actually like the beat choice for this track. It has mix of a love, southern and dark beat that all work together. Jaelife balances what he wants and what he can provide on this track.
CRAZY(FEATURING ONE DOSE)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"EYES WIDE SHUT WALKING ALONG" First off, this chorus is addictive! It actually makes the track. The beat is jazzy and you can just mellow out and ride to this track.
HE MADE IT-LYRICS-2 SPOONS FAVORITE BAR-"YOU ARE WHAT YOU OVERCOME" Jaelife demonstrates that he can be a storyteller on a track...and a good one at that. This song is very motivational and is a very personal and heartfelt track. I seriously believe that this track can recharge any body's battery struggling within the music business.
STOP WONDERING(FEATURING DEUCE)-LYRICS-"BREAKING THE LAW OF FAILURES, SCREW ECONOMICS" It seems as though that "He made it" is the prelude to this track. "Stop wondering" follows the flow of "He made it" and uses the negative side of not pursuing your dreams. The verses are on point and convict you of all your excuses that you have or ever will use.
OTHER SIDE OF THE PILLOW-LYRICS-2 SPOONS FAVORITE BAR(2 WAY TIE)-"THE GAME NEED ME LIKE A RIM NEED A BACKBOARD" "NO DEGREE, BUT I'M STILL ABLE TO TEACH" This is one of my favorite tracks on the mixtape. Jaelife shines on the mellow/slow tracks. He also shows us how cool he really is. Everyone may rep their favorite side-but Jaelife reps the best side-the other side of the pillow.
MAKE IT GO-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-2 EARS FAVORITE-"LYRICS LIVE AND IN PERSON LIKE YOUR CHATTING ON SKYPE" I'm feeling the lyrics, but I'm not feeling the beat. It sounds like it's not fully developed. I kept waiting for the beat to drop. It sounds like a great intro leading into the actual beat, but I just didn't work for me. On the up side, the lyrics were good and had one of Jaelife's most powerful bars-the only thing he is afraid of is getting bored. Think about it.
DISCIPLINE(FEATURING SANDY & JOB)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"I'M DETERMINED WITH A SERMON" This track is a excellent representation of what "discipline" should be in your life. Sandy does her thing on the vocals. This is a real powerful song and can be a great teaching tool for people of all ages, races,gender and cultures.
ANGELS REMIX (FEATURING JIN)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"CHRIST WILL RETURN AND HE DON'T NEED A RECEIPT" Jaelife brings his A game and holds his own on this powerful track with Jin. This is a very transparent verse and Jaelife speaks the truth. Many people won't even admit some of the things that he spoke on-good job Jaelife.
DOING ME-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR (2 WAY TIE)-"THE FLOW BE SHOCKING, I'M SO ELECTRIC CHAIR"NOW I'M OUT FOR BLOOD, LIKE I'M A CRIP IN HERE" This track is something can probally be played on radio. Jaelife brings a little southern swag on this track and let's us know he is "Doing me".
Overall, I give this mixtape 2 spoons up. Jaelife has bars for days. The only problem with Jaelife is that he is too good for radio. Dj Sean Blu does a great job feeding hip hoppers with beat breaks and really holds it down as a DJ. This mixtape has me wanting to hear more from Jaelife. You can catch him at @jaelife on twitter. When it comes to this's greatness! Spread the soup!
Monday, March 28, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? Wow, I finally got to the end of the album! I decided to give all my shout out to everyone that was involved in the project within the project. I show love to my family members, my producers, my photo guy and some close friends that helped contribute to the album. Constantine the emcee produced the track and is actually the beat from my track "Where you been?". You can actually check out that track on my myspace page-if you still know what myspace is (lol). This is a real personal song and really want everyone to know that I appreciate any and all people who have helped push the "soup" movement. I thank all of you reading this blog/track commentary and also reading the other ones (if you haven't-please do). I guess we can do this...for post game show???? Let me know your thoughts and thanks for all the love and spread the soup!
Friday, March 25, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? I'm really blessed to work for and I just wanted to let you all check out one of my articles-if you haven't had a chance to. In my "A lesson learned" series, I take famous hip hop bars and expond on them from my perspective. I started off with Common, because he means a lot to me. He helped lead me to God and influenced me to do positive things within my music and thought that the bar I chose would put a light down the path for many artists and fans of hip hop. Enjoy and make sure your comment within the actual article and share RT and share with your family, friends and enemies. Spread The Soup!
What's brewing soup troopers? I'm really blessed to work for and I just wanted to let you all check out one of my articles-if you haven't had a chance to. In my "A lesson learned" series, I take famous hip hop bars and expond on them from my perspective. I started off with Common, because he means a lot to me. He helped lead me to God and influenced me to do positive things within my music and thought that the bar I chose would put a light down the path for many artists and fans of hip hop. Enjoy and make sure your comment within the actual article and share RT and share with your family, friends and enemies. Spread The Soup!
Monday, March 21, 2011
This is the last song on the album (unofficially). I wanted to make this track similar to a "alter call" track. This song breaks down the point of the whole point of the album. The symbolism behind the song is a retelling of the story of Christ. Of course, I do it in football references. I really think that this song is up there with N.F.L., as far as creativity goes. Which is also funny, because T.C. DA don produced both tracks. I hope no women felt disrespected by the chorus (lol)!Like I said at the beginning of the song, this is either going to be your favorite song on the album or the track that you'll skip. It's all cool with me, because at the end of the day-I feel as though I provided a track on here for everyone to enjoy. In all honesty, this is one of the tracks where I just want you to listen to it and give me your thoughts on. This track is the meat of the whole project and the next two albums coming after this (post game show and 5Th quarter). So, let me hear/read your thoughts. Did you get the concept of the album. Does this make sense to you? Did I miss the mark? I want to know your hit me up. Pass the song on and RT to your family, friends and enemies. Spread the soup!
Thursday, March 17, 2011

The number "10" is a very symbolic number. It means completeness and order-which we can see with the decimal number system. It's also symbolic for "law"-which we see with Moses and the Ten commandments. Fern takes all those meanings and gives a complete mixtape of hot lyrics discussing the law and delivers our order with "10 piece". Fern delivers a confident 10 reasons (excluding the intro) why you should remember his name in hip hop. This mixtape is getting a lot of exposure on various websites, but hasn't received a review yet...until now.
10 PIECE(INTRO)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"STOP FERN YOU KILLING EM, I'M BRINGING THEM BACK TO LIFE/SO RESURRECTION MEANS NO FUNEREAL, IT MEANS NEW LIFE" This is not only a great intro for the mixtape, but it's also a great intro for people who are hearing fern for the first time. He sums up who he is, what he is about and what the mixtape will be like within 2:11. This track really draws you into the rest of the project. He lets us know that not only does "he know his lane...but it's all paved out(also a hot bar on the track)."
STOP IT 5-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"I HOPE YOU COPPED THE MIXTAPE, BUT IF NOT-THAT'S NOT A PROBLEM/KEEP LYING TO YOURSELF LIKE I'M NOT A PROBLEM" Fern goes in on "Stop it 5" and demands respect. He lets people know that his presence is here. He's not about to come into the game it's all business to him right now. Listeners can really see his focus and see that fern isn't stopping soon.
HUSTLE HARD REMIX (FEATURING REY KING)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"WITNESS MIRACLES/THE GOSPEL GONE DIGITAL" Fern lets listeners know that he hustles hard within the intro of the song. He lets us know he already had three videos up within the first month of the year-so he practices what he preaches on this track. Fern lets listeners know that he is grinding on all the social networks to get his product to the people. Rey king does a great job on the track as well. His energy balances out Fern's smooth flow. This track is as hard as the original.
G6-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-2 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"I'M GONNA KILL THE GAME ON PURPOSE, JUST BECAUSE" I'm really feeling this track. I really hope that Fern makes a video for this one. Let me be clear on something about the production. I actually enjoy the beat. However, it sounds too similar to "hard in the paint". Now, I can hear the parts where the beat comes into it's own, but if it's going to be that close-just use "hard in the paint". On a positive note, the beat and Fern work well on this track.
SPADE A SPADE-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"I'M LIKE A CHEF, I'M THE BEST HOW I PREP THE VERSE" "Spade a Spade" is also another on of my favorite verses on the mixtape. Fern lets us know he's been doing this since the 7Th grade and he has only gotten better. The production on the track is great. This is the best original track on the mixtape. It gives a mix of old school with a new school twist. On this track, Fern is simply stating that people are tired of hearing wack rappers and he deserves to be where they are. He's just calling a spade a spade.
FERNIE(GOTTA BE THE GREATEST)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-3 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"SO FLY IN THE SKY LIKE IT'S RECORDED IN A SPACESHIP" This is Fern's most lyrical track. I think this is the best track on the mixtape. The production is nice and flows well with the concept and the flow of the mixtape. He kills the track starting with the chorus. I didn't hear not one bar that was weak. This is a "repeat offender".
STIR CRAZY-LYRICS-2 SPOONS BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"I SPIT THE BEST WORK, NOW LET'S WORK" Fern slows things down, but continues to stay in his lane on "Stir Crazy". The production on this track really makes the song and shows Fern in a fresher light. Fern gets a little personal on this track, but continues to bring the heat in the bars. The second verse his "wordplay" reminds us of dipset in their prime. This is a refreshing track on the mixtape.
H.A.M.(HARD AS MOSES)-LYRICS- FAVORITE BAR-"THIS IS NOTHING I'M JUST WARMING UP THE KITCHEN" I want to start off by saying that Fern KILLS THIS BEAT! This is way better then Kanye and Jay-z's verses. I love how he sped up his flow and showed us when he needs to he can go there.
OH SNAP-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"PEOPLE ASK "FERN HOW YOU PUT OUT COLD FIRE?" "OH Snap" will have you saying that by the end of the track. The production has a classic New York feel and once again merges old school and new school feel. This is a very hot track. I can also see a video for this track as well.
HOPE-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP FAVORITE BAR-"ONLY MONEY AND A DREAM, WHAT YOU SEE ME CHASING" This song gives listeners a deeper look inside of Fern's mind. His "this year is the remix" bar has a very good double entendre for true fans and followers of Fern. Really good and personal track from Fern.
VIVA LA VIDA-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL FAVORITE BAR-"DIFFERENT METHOD, I'M INVESTING THIS IS MY FUTURE FLOW" This is a great track to end the mixtape on. Anybody that samples Coldplay gets a head nod from me! This is such a universal track. This is also a track that i feel would be a great video. The chorus is very addictive.
Overall, I give this mixtape TWO SPOONS UP and leaning more to it being a classic mixtape. I'm a little harder on giving mixtapes a classic rating, but this one is real close though. It delivers a great punch and leaves you feeling that there are still good artists out there. I don't like comparing artists, but Fern gives off the presence of Cam'ron in his prime. His style has dipset all in it. The laid back flow works very well for Fern and even surprises us with the double time flow. THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH 10 PIECE IS THAT IT HAS NO SIDES!!! Some of the tracks are way too short, but that leaves the fans wanting more when we come back to order. "10 piece" isn't fast food and definitely takes care of my hunger until Fern brings another project.
To keep up with Fern, you can check him out at and he also lives on twitter (lol), so you can follow him there @followfern . What are your thoughts on "10 piece"? We want to know your thoughts, so make sure you post them here and RT or share this review with your family, friends and enemies. Spread the soup
Monday, March 14, 2011
This was a very dear song to me off of the album. This is a personal account of what went on in my life for both verses. I was blessed to get Valentine 365 to get on the track, since he is a dear friend and has witnessed me go through this song-plus he's had some experiences like me-it was easier for him to feel the song and was a great choice to sing the chorus. We all have gone through a "goodbye song" experience. We all have had that "nasty noun" (a bad person, place or thing) that is/was holding us back from where we need to go in life. You know they are a "nasty noun", because they DON'T WANT TO GROW!!! It's my prayer that this song encourages people to break some unnecessary relationships. It's funny, because it feels as though the song-even though it's serious-has a pop feel to it. LOL!!! A lot of people ask me about the bridge. The answer is...yes-we would really take our keys out all over the gym and jingle our keys and tell "you don't got to go home, but you got to get outta here!". That's what we need to be telling some people in our lives. I'm thinking about making a video for this song, because i feel the message is very universal and needed to be spread. I simply ask that if you agree, post your comments in the blog. If you have a "goodbye song" experience-share it with me on the blog. I would love to hear about it. Give me your thoughts-i would really like to know how this song affected you-or even if it affected you at all. Share or RT this to your friends, family and enemies. Thanks for reading. Spread the Soup
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

With all the terrible things going on in the world today, it doesn't take much to see we are living in the last days. Being a "in season" artist, Twiceborn gives us his play by play with the "4th quarter". Twiceborn pours his heart out on this EP and shows his "all work" mentality by not wasting time with unnecessary tracks.Many artist don't believe in EPs anymore, but would rather put out mixtapes. Twiceborn shows artists and fans that EPs can still be done and treasured. Let's get into the game.
1.GET IT FOR MYSELF-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-3 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"DECEIVED BY THE LIES, LET'S CALL IT DREAM WORLD" Twiceborn starts the album off right with "Get it for myself". One could call this the "preshow" of the album. Twiceborn gives a gripping account of his life and how God's grace is for everyone. The production works well on this track. The organ-like keys gives a "church testimony" feel to the song. The sound is eerie, but blends in well with Twiceborn's delivery of living in the "dream world" of life. This track truly sets the tone for the album and sets the tone for the concept of it as well.
2.LETZ EAT-LYRICS-2 SPOONS UP BEAT-3 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"WE TRYING TO REACH THE WORLD LIKE A ETHERNET CABLE" Twiceborn takes us to the "1st quarter" on "Letz eat". This track is like the "epilogue" of "Get it for myself" or even a part 2 of it. This is a very powerful song for new converts of the gospel. There are some days when new Christians may come down off of the "high" of being saved and this song provides them with a extra push to keep them on cloud nine. Twiceborn lets us know he eats off of the blessings that God provides and is starving to give the people the word at all times.
3.HOLD ON-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"BABY BE STRONG, YOU DON'T HAVE TO STEAL TO KEEP THE LIGHTS ON" This is a very powerful song. This is probably my favorite song off of the album. Twiceborn continues to stay in the flow on "hold on". This track is filled with imagery that would make hip hop heads give a thumbs up. This track puts you in the mind of some of 2pac's best visual tracks like "Dear mama" and "Brenda's got a baby". This track is a "repeat offender" and should get a video.
4.ALL WORK-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"I LIVE AND DIE WHAT I SPIT, DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?" Twiceborn and his crew goes in on "All work". This track gives some of the most lyrical bars on the album. Twiceborn's voice on the track really makes the track. This production is really good and gives a dirty feel-but that's the intention when you are working. You got to get your hands dirty, when your truly working.
5.4TH QUARTER-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE-"CHRIST PUT THEM IN THE GAME AND GIVE THEM WHAT THEY NEED" We have finally got to the "4Th quarter". This track was a great track to end the album. The football analogy really works well on it and the production gives a football feel. Twiceborn already has a video for this track (wink wink, I've already reviewed it-so go back and check out that review) and the very things he speaks about in this track-he brings out in his video as well as his day to day life.
Overall, I give this album TWO SPOONS UP. This is a very good album, but a even better concept album. Twiceborn really stays within the concept and every track lines up with a preshow feel, 1st quarter feel, 2ND quarter feel, 3rd quarter feel and then a 4Th quarter feel. This album tells a story, almost like a movie, of the fall and rise of Twiceborn. This Ep works, because it makes the fans want to know and get more from Twiceborn. It may not be as lyrical as most would want it to be, but that's not the theme of this album. Twiceborn's storytelling skills are some of the best I've heard. I can tell that all of the things that he raps about-either he's been through it or has seen it. This album is a exciting story of how God can turn someone around and "put them in the game" for the great commission. With that in mind, Twiceborn doesn't look like he's ready to take a loss in the "4Th quarter".
You can find out more about twiceborn on twitter @meettwiceborn and the link for 4Th quarter is So, what do you think of the album? We want to hear/read your thoughts. Did he do the theme justice? Was the album well rounded? Was the production good? Your thoughts matter and make sure you RT and share this review with your family, friends and enemies. Spread the soup!
Monday, March 7, 2011
I loved making this track! I wanted to make sure that it had different types of elements of music on the album. Rock was definitely one sound I wanted on there. I actually grew up listening to rock and grunge before hip hop. Matt (aka Mr.MR) brought me into his studio and we made this thing from scratch. This was a great thing to see how we did this from nothing. Every sound you hear on this track is a real instrument. I even got my man Daniel to come in on the drums-i feel he destroyed his part on them (lol). My man, Nik, had a hand on the keys. It was just great seeing live music being recorded. I will be doing more of this.
The concept of the song is pretty simple. I want the coach to put me in the game! I am sick and tired of seeing artist take hip hop so plainly. They want to be lazy and not even try to "score". Some people need to stay on the bench. I'm going to stay studied up on the playbook and study my oppenent and be ready when it's my time. "The game is coming down to the last second/ gotta come in first-can't be second". I'm really feeling and living this song right now. I'm tired of seeing artists with no character or integirty. When i get in the game, it's a wrap. I don't care how many points we're down-We're winning. We got to ask ourselves-Are we apart of the movement? If so, are we moving?
So, give me your thoughts. Sorry for the rambling-but this song gets me crunk (lol)! Spread it to your friends, family and enemies. Spread the soup
Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm going to go ahead and speak this now-THIS IS THE BEST PROJECT I HAVE HEARD FOR 2011 THUS FAR AND WILL BE THE BEST THING TO COME OUT IN 2011! I am a huge Dee-1 fan and he doesn't disappoint on "I hope they hear me Vol. 2". I usually don't review all the tracks, if the album goes beyond 10 tracks or so-but every song on here needs to be reviewed! Well, let's get into it-
PROUD OF ME-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"I SPIT THAT SUDAFED,CAUSE THESE A&R'S BEEN HAVING "SIGN US" PROBLEMS" This is a perfect intro. It gives Dee-1's "mission statement" within hip hop and refreshes his fans of his purpose. His lyrics are truly heart felt and powerful. Phurnace does a great job on the production and really draws you in after the intro speech. This track truly sets the bar for the rest of the project.
IT'S MY TURN-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE WHOLE US SEE (USC) LIKE A TROJAN" Dee-1 continues in the flow with "It's my turn". Dee-1 lets people know that this is about to be his time with confidence. Rockaway Prod gives a somewhat dark, but bouncy battle track that shows off Dee-1's confident bars.
RIDE WIT ME-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR (3 WAY TIE)-"YOUR FAR FROM SON (SUN) LIKE MARS" "MY BARS UNLIMITED LIKE A PHONE PLAN" "I MAKE YOU VISUALIZE MY MUSIC, SO I CALL IT (EYE)ITUNES" The first thing we learn from this track is that people from New Orleans are "real". This is a great track and great production. The track is a straight club banger and has great video potential.
JAY,50 AND WEEZY-LYRICS-TWO SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"MONEY DON'T MATTER HERE, BECAUSE I'M RICH WITH IDEAS" This is Dee-1's break out track. It has a great message and actually shows his compassion to hip hop and his community. Many may think this is a diss song, but it's a message in love. Cuzin Mike gives a funky groove on this political movement by Dee-1.
UNCLE TOM-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 BARS FAVORITE BAR-"SO WHAT I'M LIGHT SKINNED, I'M ENLIGHTENING" Dee-1 once again follows the vein and continues with thought provoking tracks like "Uncle Tom". This track goes in to address inner-racism. Flight School does a great job on the track and this song will bring up many discussions in the future.
RIDING BY MYSELF(FEATURING MURS AND SYREETA NEAL)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"CASH IN MY BACK POCKET, I'M SITTING ON DOUGH" Dee-1 just gave the world the new ride anthem. This is going to make a great summer jam. Muhammed Ayers made a beautiful track as Syreeta Neal puts the icing on the cake. The guest appearance of Murs adds flavor to this hot track. A video should be in this track's future.
THE GARDEN OF EDEN(FEATURING KENNEDI RAYNE)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"TWO TO THE ANKLES NOW HE LOOKS LIKE HE PLAYS FOR THE RED SOX" Dee-1 paints a vivid picture on "The Garden of Eden". Rockaway Prod gives a great canvas for Dee-1 to paint on and Dee-1 gives us a gripping story that would chill anyone's spine.
I'M ON IT(FEATURING SHAMARR ALLEN)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR:"THIS IS THE ANTHEM FOR THOSE HUNGER PAINS" Dee-1 gives us a street track on "I'm on it". Dee-1 lets people know that he made up his own blueprint and learned from the old heads on this track. Shamarr Allen does a great hook and produces a nice track (let me hear those horns lol).
BLUE-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR"I WOULD LIKE TO GET A ORDER OF SUBSTANCE AND ADD SOME SKILLS WITH THAT" Dee-1 sounds like a vet on "Blue". 5Th child produces a emotional track that plays out like a movie and Dee-1 helps us see the "big picture".
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY(FEATURING MANNIE FRESH)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"I MADE LOVE TO HER BRAIN THE MOST" Dee-1 speaks on behalf of many good men out there on "The one that Got away". Mannie Fresh adds flavor to the track using the Carl Thomas "I wish" sample. Mannie's ad libs make the song (lol)!
STRANGER-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"NOBODY LOVES ME, SO I DON'T LOVE NOBODY" This is one of the most powerful song on the project. The angle Dee-1 takes in "stranger" is a reality check within our own lives and our society. Bass Heavy's sample within the chorus really gives the track a edge. This song will leave you speechless.
BYE TO THE BROKE DAYS-LYRICS-2 BOWLS AND A BOWL BEAT-3 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"I NEED TO GO TO ZALES, BUT I'M WAITING FOR A SALE" This is the middle class anthem. Everyone has gone through one of the examples Dee-1 gives on "Bye to the broke days". Bass Heavy gives us a playful track, which makes us forget how sad being broke is (lol).
THE DOG IN ME-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT- EARS FAVORITE BAR-"IT'S JUST THE DOG IN ME" This is the most creative track on the project. Dee-1 reminds us of how dope DMX was in his prime. Even Rockaway Prod produces a track that is DMXish. I promise you will put this track on repeat to get all the angles and views on this track.
GREAT(FEATURING MICKEY FACTZ)-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"HEAT ROCK OFF THE PAPER CALL IT SHEET ROCK" Dee-1 and Mickey Factz do great on "Great". Dee-1's second verse is a nice look into how easy it can be "good at making great lies". Rockaway Prod does it again with a banger.
NUMB-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"REST IN PEACE SHIRTS ARE THE NEW FASHION STATEMENT" Dee-1 preaches a powerful sermon on "Numb". Honestly, every bar on this track is powerful. This song is a hip hop quotable. Steve-O's beat is simple, but gets the point across.Once again, he gives you a track that leaves you speechless and convicts you into doing better in life.
ARMAGEDDON(MAC FEATURING DEE-1)LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"THOUGH ENEMIES TAKE SHOTS LIKE A FRATERNITY PARTY" Dee-1 holds his own on this feature with Mac. It is great hearing Mac-that second verse is classic Mac-but Dee-1 is not over shined. Oscar Wild gives a real N.O. production and draws you in from the beginning.
KEEP IT MOVIN-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"WITH SO MUCH TRAFFIC IN THE INDUSTRY IT'S KIND OF HARD ON THE ROAD FOR A DRIVER LIKE ME" This track is equal to "The Dog in Me" as far as being the most creative. The analogy of life through driving is outstanding. DJ RJD2 gives one of the best productions on the project. Not only is this track a "repeat offender", but would be a great video.
WRITER'S BLOCK-LYRICS-2 SPOONS AND A BOWL BEAT-4 EARS FAVORITE BAR-"HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW I USED TO BE?" Dee-1 ends the project as he started it-giving one of the greatest songs ever given to hip hop. This whole song is a quotable. 5Th Child gives a excellent track to end the album on. The "breakdown" of the fans is so original and will leave you speechless. Great "repeat offender"-just to hear the math (lol).
Overall, this project is a classic and earns my highest rating of TWO SPOONS AND A BOWL-BECAUSE THIS IS TRULY A CLASSIC IN THE MAKING!Even though it's hard to pick favorites-my three favorite tracks would be blue, keep it movin and writers block. Dee-1 brings all the elements of hip hop-lyrics, storytelling, emotion, party, street, political and any other element you can think of dealing with making great music. His guest appearances were picked well and held his own with all of them. His production is 4 EARS. No one can say they couldn't find at least 10 beats on the project that they couldn't vibe to. This project made me fall in love with hip hop again. To hear more from Dee-1, check him out at So, what are your thoughts? Let me know. After hearing this project, do you feel that Dee-1 has the best material so far this year? Is he bringing hip hop back? Write back and let me know. Spread this to your family, friends and enemies. Spread the Soup!
Monday, February 28, 2011
This is one of those tracks that literally gives me chills when i listen to it! When i first heard the track, i didn't even want to record on it. It sounded just that good. I remember going over my bars at a traffic light and the car next to me was nodding their head (not even being funny, but it looked like some real hard core rednecks-that's what makes this statement so powerful) with me-so i knew then, that this was going to speak to the people. I actually wrote this song during a low period in my life. I had just lost my job-so the bar where i say "lost my job, more time to write" is so true (lol)! I went through so much at that time in my life, that this song really brings out. I think my most important bar of the album came on this song-"smart lyrics, never will i dumb them/gotta be under so you can overcome them". This is true on many levels. ARTISTS IF YOU ARE STILL UNDER IT, THEN YOU HAVEN'T OVERCAME IT-THEREFORE, DON'T RAP ABOUT IT LIKE YOU HAVE! I really live by that. I refuse to give you lyrics about something that i haven't gone through. I want to be the realest rapper that you know. I want you to trust my lyrics. We are coming to a point in our lives where people don't want to be honest in their songs and when fans find out about that-their crushed. I can't do that to my fans. Sorry for the rant (lol)! It may get me "stoned like Stephen", but it's the "4Th quarter" and we don't have time for foolishness. The chorus also speaks to everyone. What are you going to do with your life? Are you going to sit back and just let it pass you by if you don't get everything to go as planned? Or, when it looks like nothing else will work-will you go for it? Something to think about. Well, give me your thoughts on the track. Spread the soup
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS:0:09-0:13, 1:05-1:06,2:15
Dee-1 is one of my favorite artists (make sure you check the article I wrote on him-coming soon!) and it was a honor to review this video. Dee-1 has great lyrics and his videos are equally as enjoyable as listening to his tracks. "It's my turn" is Dee-1 at his finest. This track has already received positive reviews through various websites and the video is sure to do the same thing. Well, let's get into it.
The video concept is very original and fresh. The concept is about a "American idol for rappers" audition. The viewers see Dee-1 checking out the flyer and making his way to the audition. Dee-1 is confident, because he's his time. I love the way how the actual lyrics line up with the concept of the video (make sure you check out 1:15-0:16). Artists don't do that anymore. We usually see a lot of shots of them in a stationary place and the video gets dull and boring. "It's my turn" is far from that, giving the viewers a look into his goal in hip hop as well as life.
The video was very creative with getting the message across. I caught how at 0:06, Dee-1 extends his hands in somewhat of way as Christ on the cross. Could he be implying that he will put his life and passion within the hip hop game? Or...was that just a cool shot and I'm over thinking it? The other rappers that were waiting in line all wore white t-shirts. Indicating, that they all we're bringing the "same thing" to the auditions/the hip hop world. Putting the X's over the fake rappers gives a adds extra humor to the video and also shows many of the artists "trying to act like they are something that they are not". Dee-1 comes into the audtion and WOWS the judges. However, we don't see Dee-1 stop there-he goes to a radio interview and back to what he does best-make hot tracks in the studio.
The quality of this video is great. Whoever was over the know your job. The lighting went very well with Dee-1's outfits and the wall that was used in the beginning scenes brought out more of a vivid look to the video. The editing was great as well. The spilt screens looked well and the effects during the "tat tat tat" (0:38-0:41) effect was cool and the way it synched up with Dee-1 added flavor to the video. The colors throughout the whole video really kept my attention and drew me into Dee-1's performance more. Editing is just as important as the visuals and this video got both of them right.
Overall, this video receives two spoons up and a bowl!!! This video is a classic. This video shows and proves that you can have "your turn" being you and not having to copy someone Else's style. A very great a powerful message to take in from Dee-1. Make sure you be on the look out for " I Hope they Hear Me Vol.2" coming soon and check out more classic videos from Dee-1 at It is his turn. Spread the soup
Monday, February 21, 2011
I really enjoyed doing this track. I went to Theo soul's studio and we just free flowed the track. I love working with him, because he can just take on chord and or one of your bars and produce a whole song for you. I don't do sampling-because i don't have the money to pay for them-so, i decided to go to Theo soul to get a "soulful" feel, since he plays all his instruments. Anybody who works with me knows i can't sing, so I knew i had to get him on the chorus. I really enjoyed how the beat turned out.
The actual lyrics to this song are some of my favorite on the album. I really enjoyed coming up with the concept and i like that Theo soul made the song sound so life like (when if you really listen to the lyrics-it's a very dark song). I really thank Theo Soul for helping me on my verses as well. Originally, the verses were going to be 12 bars, like most of the album, and the last four bars were added with the help of Theo Soul singing them. I was actually going to make the last four bars of both verses into a bridge, but they flowed better within the verses. Speaking of extra help and a little "behind the scenes" piece that you didn't know-Constantine the Emcee snuck his vocals onto the track! I got the master copy from him and was listening to the track and I heard someone singing at the end. I was puzzled, because i had no clue that Constantine the Emcee could sing. He told me as he was mixing the track, he felt there was something missing and just added his vocals to give it that "extra" at the end. I couldn't disagree with him....he sounded nice. THERE WILL BE A VIDEO FOR THIS TRACK (more commentary will be included within that blog). I don't want to spoil anything, but you just stay tuned to see how we do it.
So, what are your thoughts on the track? Did you like the soulful sounds Theo Soul put down on the production? Do you think Constantine the Emcee did the right thing putting his vocals on the track? Were the lyrics powerful and thought provoking? Let me know your thoughts-good or bad. Spread the blog to your friends, families and enemies. Thanks and Spread the Soup.
Monday, February 14, 2011
This is my gangster track...well i was trying to be gangster lol! For real, this is my track where i was putting my foot down. The standard in hip hop has gone down and i just wanted to get it back where it needs to be. We have to take time to take responsibility with what we do in hip hop. This is one of those tracks where you have to perform this without the beat, so people can REALLY HEAR and UNDERSTAND the lyrics. I was already in talks of doing a remix for this track-where it will be placed in still undecided. Sam bleed is a good friend and wanted to give me a track for the project. He was so cool and hooked me up with the track. Even though this track isn't discussd as many of the other tracks, this is really a powerful track. I hear a lot of people say that this is one of their most least favorite tracks and i think it's because of the production. I completely went left feild with it and it's the only one that is really different. It's love lost.
so what's your thoughts? do you feel like the track is inspirtatiopnal for artists to be aware of what they are putting out? Are the lyrics really powerful to you? Does the beat turn you away from the lyrics? I want to hear/read your thoughts!!! Make sure you comment-i won't bite you...i promise. If you don't want to comment here-because of the hassle of making a google account-i understand-leave it on the youtube page. Share it with your family, friends and enemies. I love all my soup troopers! Spread the soup!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
This song is very dear to me. This is actually a REAL account of my life. I got to break this song down by every couple of bars:
"Growing up i ran with the wrong union/so bad we stole Jesus blood during communion" I know this was bad, but when i was young, there was a guy and we stole a couple of cups during Communion. It wasn't wine, it was grape juice-but it was the thrill of taking more "blood" than others got. The irony in that is actually unreal! LOL!
"Man, we didn't break bread, we broke laws/and if you ran in our face we broke jaws" I was a little wanna be thug back in the day. I had anger issues and was always looking to get in a fight with people. It's funny to see how far God has brought me, because i was a evil thing back in the day! LOL!
"The only friends i had were in my head, until one day they said i was better off dead" Truth talk, with all the things going on in my life, i had demons and spirits in my head. I became anti social and depressed. I had suicidal thoughts and was very close of attempting it. Death wasn't a dark thing to me, so i embraced it. I wasn't emo, it just didn't bother me if i died. I thank God for him and helping me with my internal problems.
The line about the "church" gets misinterpreted by some. I wasn't referring to a physical place, but certain individuals that had a "church" mentality rather than a "kingdom" mentality. It was referring to the people who think they got everything right and look down on other people. The one's who turn their nose up to you-like they been saved all their lives! I'm glad i don't judge people like that. I look at some people and realize i was once where they are and need to be a ear, shoulder, mouth or whatever body part for them.
This is a great song showing fans who i am and where i came from. I'm actually going to be dropping a video for this track soon. As far as for the name, Braille (one of my favorite artists) helped me come up with it. Since i was going with a theme of football and this song is about "going the other way", I was going to call it interception. Braille told me to be creative and spell it in a form that would stand out-there goes a tip for all you inspiring artists on how to stand out and be different. The word "cept" means to take. there are two actions of "taking". I'm allowing God to "take" control of me/the ball and I'm "taking" a new route-rather entering into it. Hence, the name...enter-ception.
So, what do you think? Do you think this song is video worthy? Do you think this is a touching song? Do you like the clever name of the song? Do you know who Braille is? Please answer these questions and comment back to me. Also, go back and check out more of the track commentaries from album "Souperbowl Sunday...the CD for champions". Send this to your family, friends and enemies...and subscribe to the blogs! Spread the soup!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: 0:15, 0:27, 3:11, 3:39
CHICAN CAUGHT IT: 0:06, That's a nice way to rock that tie
First off, Q the prophet is excellent with timing. Some may think I'm referring to his lyrical ability-but I wasn't going that way (however,he is nice with his timing lyrically though). Q the prophet picked a excellent time to drop this video....on valentine week. Some may see this as a gimmick, but this brings back a "fun feel" to hip hop. Plus, with all the horrible things going on in the world-we need some love. I haven't heard a good love song like this in a long time, but i also haven't seen a good love song video like this in a long time. Stephcynie curry brings a "soulful" feel to the video and within the chorus and actually allows Q the prophet to really expound on the concept of the video. The concept is a small idea of showing how LARGE Q the prophet loves his girlfriend/soul mate. This concept comes of very well.
The creativity from this video is classic! First off, Q the prophet takes it "old school" and writes his soul mate a love letter (yea, people that are over twenty actually used paper and a pencil to write letters to people lol). He continues to tear them up and rewrite them, trying to create the best way to portray his feelings. He eventually comes to the point of simply telling her she's his soul mate (one highlight point of the video) and he loves her. He shows in lyrics, as well as video, how he loves her in all aspects-mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Once again, Q the prophet is good with his timing. As he says "cake" (even though he's not using it in this term), we see him putting a ring under his soul mate's plate of cake (I'm guessing lemon pound cake???). Just as she realizes there is a ring under it, he says she should have his last name. This is how a video should go. The story should have you paying attention to everything going on.
The quality of the video is good. The director does a good job of allowing us to see Q the prophet's feelings. I love the b roll of him in the streets. I noticed that we saw the banner for "The lion king" in the background. Maybe the director is trying to say that Q the prophet is a lion king-loyal,faithful, and will take care of his family or represents like the lion of Judah. The editing is good and i like the spilt screen shots. I can tell the team really put some time into this project.
Overall, i give this video two spoons, but i feel like it is going to hit your "hip hop spot" when you watch it. I feel this video will be sent to ladies on valentine day, anniversaries and when guys mess up in their relationships. The ladies will love it and you gave all the guys ammunition....we salute you for that.
So,did this video melt your heart or just burn you up? Did Q the prophet get his point across or did he just look like he was just trying to get his drake (not knocking) on? Give us your thoughts...good or bad. Send this to your friends,family and enemies. Spread the soup.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
This was my track that i wanted to have a hip hop/old school feel. I had to grab Constantine the emcee on the chorus to get his beat boxing skills on. The chorus is really the most important part of the song. It's letting the people know I'm calling a "audible" in the game and in my life. Luke did a great job on the beat. I remember telling him that i wanted the track to just come in out of nowhere. I actually tried to change my flow up a little in the second verse-but not much though. LOL! I am a huge fan of "Get smart" and Don Adams, so i had to give him a shot out on this track. This is one of my songs that you really got to listen to a couple of times to catch everything I'm throwing out there. This is one of the shortest songs on the album, but it has more meat then most tracks on the album. So far, I've only had a couple of people tell me that they really got the concept of the song and said that this was their favorite track. So, is it your favorite track on the album? Did you catch the concept within the song? Was it to short for you? Did the beat boxing annoy you or did it make the track? Give me your thoughts-good or bad-and make sure you share this with your family, friends and enemies! Spread the soup!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First off, i want to start this review off by saying that kryst lyke is one of the most humblest artists i know. I've seen him around at different events and I've noticed how nice and down to earth he is. He has a teachable spirit and doesn't feel like he knows everything. (Soapbox please) This is how artists need to be. This guy has a HUGE following and fan base and it hasn't changed him. If he is shady, then he must be a great actor. He has servant mentality. Let me give you a good example of his service style. I had a show and i wanted him to come to it. He was coming back in town that day and came through-straight from the show, just to support. He didn't get to perform, no special shout out or anything like that-he just came to support. When will we all get that? (Remove soapbox) Now, Let's get down to business.
And the business we shall get kingdom. Kryst lyke delivers a energized EP of biblical praise and honor to God on "Keep it kingdom". Kryst lyke has a great ear for production. All of the tracks are certified bangers. This is his first solo project and I think that the ep style (six tracks) give the audience a good feel of who he is and what you are in for throughout the album...crunkness. The album literally rides like his set or a big performance track. I can see why he has so many shows,because fans know that they are in for a fast pace, get out your seat and sweat time. However, this is what also causes a opportunity (not really a problem).
I saw two opportunities for the next project for kryst lyke. First off, i would like to hear more about him personally. The high energy was great, but as a fan, i didn't hear that track to connect me to him. Now, don't get me wrong. He is very engaged with his fans at shows and via his social networking sites, but i really wanted to get a more intimate track from him. Secondly, I want to hear him on some slow tracks. I understand he had a consistent flow of up tempo tracks on the album, but i wanted to get a little variety. I wouldn't want to see kryst lyke get put in the "one dimensional" category.
Keep it kingdom is a very addictive album. Choruses will have you singing along before the track is even over. My three favorite tracks are Crazy praize, j.u.m.p. and ampmazing. This is a real good listen. The production and consistency of the album give it two spoons. So, let's break down the album:
1.Crazy Praize ft Roc-Lyrics:2 spoons Beat:2 spoons and a bowl Favorite bar:"I'm insane,I'm going wild/Cause i know the father and i know I'm his child" I love when the first bars of a album jump out and grab me. This sets the tone for the "ride" of the listen of it. My favorite bar is the beginning bar, so i knew i was going to feel the album. The chorus is "crazy"! Roc comes in with a swagged out flow and complements the track nicely. This track has huge video potential.
2.Amazing ft. Te'Aye-Lyrics-1 spoon Beat:2 spoons Favortie bar:"I hear my stomach grumbling, the the word is what i am craving" Kryst lyke has a way with choruses. He can make something so simple, sound so huge. Once again, he picks someone with a different flow, Te'Aye, and complements him and the track well. One can hear the passion and conviction in his verses.
3. J.U.M.P.(Jesus use me please)-Lyrics-1 spoon Beat:1 spoon Favorite bar:"Slide,dip j.u.m.p." This track isn't lyrical or deep, but it's so creative! Jump is a simple prayer that is echoed throughout the song. This is a track for everyone of all ages. He even has j.u.m.p. wrist bands for fans. This is also a track i can see with a video.
4.P.O.S.E.(praise on Satan's Ego)-Lyrics-2 spoons Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar:"call me EA sports, that dude kryst is in the game" The beat really goes well with Kryst lyke on this track. He has a grimer and darker edge on the track and it actually works for him. This track does make me want to get a camera and p.o.s.e. though! LOL!
5.Walls of Jericho-Lyrics-2 spoons Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar:"Kingdom all stars, me and j.c. time for us to go ball" Kryst lyke actually changes his flow up and goes with a sped up cadence. It's refreshing to see him go with another type of flow. He even slows it down for us later, so we can catch what he's saying. There is a line in here about ground zero and i pray that people listen in a correct context and don't take it the wrong way. i know how some people try to find something out of nothing. Nice bars and great message.
6.Ampmazinf ft. Alreddy Reddy-Lyrics-2 spoons Beat: 2 spoons and a bowl favorite bar (2xs tie):"kinda like flour, self rising" " I gave my life for you, you gave your son for me/on the tree calvary-that makes us family" This is a great track to end the album on. Alreddy Reddy mixes his track "amped up" on this mesh track. Reddy's style is so cool and drops some of his best bars I've heard thus far. I believe that this is kyrst lyke's best verse on the album. It simplifies what he stands for and his style. This is surely a atmosphere changing track and needs a video for it.
You can follow Kryst lyke and purchase his CD from and .So what do you think? Is this album kryst lyke or Christ not? Is it really crunk or keeps you sitting in your seat? Did you agree-that you wanted to hear more personal songs or am i being to hard? Let me and kryst lyke know your thoughts and spread the review around. Spread the soup.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's brewing soup troopers? Just wanted to recap with you all about the show with kaboose last week. We will start off from the beginning of the day all the way to the end. I scooped up my soup trooper Dre, cause he wanted to ride with me to check out the show. We listened to braille (one of my favorite artists) for like the first hour. Ironically, on the track "restless", Dre went to sleep. Not because he was bored with the track, but because he said he hasn't sleep in two days. His last words before his nap were "I like this song already, i haven't slept in two days.". I'm glad he got some rest, but he sleeps like a mad man!
So next, i had to go pick up Constantine the emcee. He almost caught a beat down from me, because he wanted to stop prior to meeting me to get a "craving" cup of coffee. Since I'm a nice guy, i decided not to do so. We were running late, the traffic was so backed up! I thought we were going to be late, but we actually got there 10 minutes till 6. Talk about close timing!!!
As i got there, i was greeted by some family and friends from my past. This was a special show for two reasons, because i was meeting kaboose in person and i was returning back home to do a show close to home. Some people i thought who wouldn't be as receptive were and that really made my day. As i met kaboose, he was so cool. You don't see that in many artist now that have such a big name. He was dressed in b-ball shorts and jordans, so i knew he was ready to put it down.
Dan cook (the event coordinator and also in the picture above) told me i could talk with the kids a little before i performed. I took a minute to stress the importance of appreciating home, the importance of the mothers and fathers you have to lead you in the right direction and pursing your dreams. It felt better to SHOW the kids i was once were they were sitting then to actually do my set.
One word describes kaboose's set...phenomenal!!!It was so flawless and raw hip hop that no one could sit even sit down. DJ micah (also pictured above)did a outstanding job on the turn tables. This was hip hop at it's finest. Kaboose has a way of really connecting with his fans. Just him telling the audience about his life was just as exciting as his performance. After his set, the kids rushed him. I haven't seen someone get rushed like that in a long time. It was so positive and a loving atmosphere.
After signing autographs and taking pictures, kaboose, DJ Micah, Dan and i went to the back to grab some food. We talk about everything from God to hip hop to marriages. I really needed this. I really needed to see that bar that i was trying to reach for. It also was a reality check for me to see how far I've come and how far i got to go. It was a honor to rock a show with him and simply experience a true hip hop artist in action. One day I'll be there soup troopers, but until then I'll keep pushing. God bless kaboose and keep being phenomenal. Spread the soup!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What's brewing soup troopers? We have just got to the "essence" of the album. N.F.L. is probally my second favorite song I've ever written. I have to thank God for this one, even if i don't win a grammy for it. When i wrote this track, i had a hard time debating on the name being either N.F.L. (because i use all the teams of the n.f.l. and the track is about not giving up and getting up when you fall -hence "never fall long") or wide receiver (because i'm trying to talk to people "far away" and get them to "receive' my lyrics). So, i did the logical thing and used both names. Sometimes, I'll call the track one thing and someone may be like "Which track is that?". Lol! Tc da don is such a passionate producer. It really makes me upset that i didn't get to have more of his production on the album but i got him on the next project though (POST GAME SHOW?????). He really worked hard on this track and it shows, because this is one of the most memorable tracks for the fans. I think our styles really mesh well on this project. This track has been featured on numerous mixtapes-from NYC to Alabama-shout out microphone bully!!! When people hear this song, i want them to feel and see the time i put into this and the album. I truly feel like this song brings back fun to hip hop. I'm praying that i can get this track on placement for madden or ESPN. So, if you want to put in a good word for the album and bump this song to all your friends! LOL! So, what are your thoughts on the track? Do you think it's lyrical? Do you think it's corny? Is it a banger? Could you see this on madden? I want to read your thoughts. Subscribe and post your thoughts for the world to see. Well remember to share this with your family, friends and enemies. Spread the Soup!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
CHICAN'S CHOICE-B.C. the Marksman-Live it Right
VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: 0:45, 1:09, 1:29
B.C. the marksman is aiming high with this powerful song and video. I have to first tell you...I'm a sucker for black and white videos. I think he made a excellent choice of going with black and white in the video, to bring out the more grimier and darker edge of the video and lyrics. The concept is simple, yet it works. We see so many artists using their streets and depending on b roll to carry them through the video, but B.C. does a great job of actually highlighting his streets as a "journey". I feel the few spots of color we view in the video are at precise points in the video. The "color" points indicate where his emotions were really high and were key life changing points shown in the video. As far as the concept, sometimes less is better.
The creativity of this video is so clever. B.C. is a great marksman of wordplay and puns and it shows on this video. There are so many hints of symbolism throughout this video, you got to watch it at least three times to see everything. The key highlights of the video are just a couple of great symbolic points in the video. (DISCLAIMER-THIS NEXT LINE IS NOT A DISS)This is what i like to see when You don't have a big budget for a video. There are so many "fly" references dealing with birds, planes and football stadiums (yea, i caught that too) that you can go crazy. My "chican caught that" moment shows us how "slick" B.C. is. LOL! It's also cool to see the bridge scenes. As he travels on the on the "bridge" and gets closer to the other side-we see the "slide" from darkness to the light (on the other side lol). In the end, this video makes me what to "live it right", so i guess B.C. did hit the mark!
Overall, this is a great video! This song really has me ready to hear his CD coming out this year. B.C. just allowed the video to be downloaded from itunes (for free), so you can show some support by grabbing it from there. You can also check B.C. out on twitter at @bcthemarksman or his website . So, do you think the video hit the mark or not? Does the video make you want to live it right or did he just go wrong? Tell me why or why not and make sure you share this review with your family, friends and enemies. Spread the soup!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Track Name:The kick off (Can I)
Produced by: Constantine The Emcee
Favorite bar:"The music set the mood like Joe budden"
What's brewing soup troopers? So, i hear from majority of my fans, that this track is the most "hip hop feel" on the album. Well, that;s because it was produced by Constantine the emcee. He is probally the best emcees i know, plus he keeps it old school. I know a lot of artists that keep it old school in their lyrics and productions and come off stale or dated, but Constantine the emcee is crafted at what he does-his style works for him. He actually thought his style wouldn't fit the album and almost didn't provide a track for the album. We debated over several beats to use for this track and felt that his track fit it perfectly.I love him as a producer, artist and engineer.
As far as the writing goes for the track, it was really fun. A little known fact-this was actually supposed to be the first song on the album. I'm so glad Constantine help me to decide to put it later, plus now if flows as far as breaking the album down in "quarters". The first couple of tracks are the "pre show" tracks and right here on "the kickoff" is where the game actually begins. This is one of the few songs where i change my flow up-just a little though lol! So, i made the chorus as a ode to the essence of hip hop-going old school!!!!
I really want to know what the hip hop heads think of this track. I want to hear your feedback. How does the track sound to you? Either way, I want to know your thoughts on the track. For the one's who don't like hip hop, how did it make it feel? Well, we're half way through the album, so if you been going through all the commentaries so far, how are you feeling the album? So much i want to know from you all!!! lol! spread the soup
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Two spoons down-"Why are you making people listen to this?"
One spoon up-Good listen
Two spoons up-Hot!!!
Two spoons and a bowl-a classic in the brewing!!!
I have been eagerly waiting for a artist to have the ability to mix rap and rock together effectively. I believe i may have found the spokesman for the people...Moses uvere. This Dallas,Texas artist really surprised me. He didn't sound like your typical Texas artist (disclaimer-I'm not dissing the south or Texas artists-i was actually born in Houston). For "Heart condition", this album/ep to only have 6 songs (and one bonus song), Moses makes sure that there is a lot of content to take in. Nothing is crammed or forced in this personal transparent book of the life of Moses Uvere. Moses gives a feel between early grunge sound with swagged out lyrics. However, he has excellent story telling skills!I would honestly put him up there with the greats like Naz. If you don't believe me...then listen to "It's ok" and see if it changes your mind. Speaking of "It's ok", it's my second favorite track on the cd. Third, would be "open my phone" and first would be "fighting for more". Overall, this album gets two spoons up.You can find moses Uvere on facebook and twitter and also on his website I can honestly say after listening to this album, Moses has led me to the promised land of mad skills and hotness. Check out the review:
Welcome-Lyrics:2 spoons up Beat:one spoon Favorite bar:" See I remember way back we were sporting dirty wave caps, cause our moms couldn't cut hair or fade that" My favorite bar is the first thing you hear from this song and it just hooks you in from the beginning. It's a track of Moses reminiscing on his childhood and he makes it so clear and vivid-i feel like i was there. I can just ride in my car and just vibe out. I only have two problems with the track-which aren't really problems, but more of opportunities. First, i felt like i wanted to hear more keys or guitar throughout the verse. I like when the guitar kicks through in the middle of the verse, but i wanted to hear more. I understand on a storytelling track like this, the artist wouldn't want the music to overpower the vocals and focus on the lyrics-but those keys were so eerily good and i wanted to hear more. Secondly, I wanted the vocalist to have more in the chorus or throughout the song. He has a great voice! I can truly see this song finding placement on a movie. It captures the essence of being young and finding your way through life. Hey moses, i had Master P's "da last don" album too! Lol!
Open my phone-Lyrics:2 spoons Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar: You plus me equals more separation" I love this song! The lyrics and the beat mesh so well together! Moses's flow is so flawless on this track. I love the message behind the song. Everyone has gone through a "lust versus love" relationship. Moses really lives up to the theme of the album and keeps it personal and vivid on this track. Make sure you notice the effects he uses on the chorus to bring out the theme of the song. This truly is one of the best songs on the album and should go down as one of moses's best songs ever.
It's okay-Lyrics:2 spoons and a bowl Beat:2 spoons and a bowl Favorite bar (tie):"Now I'm running out the door and my feet all muddy/my moms starts yelling get back in the house honey" "you know it's degrading showing up on Monday wearing the same clothes you wore on Sunday"The transparency in this track is jaw dropping! This track has a perfect blend of sadness and triumph. The verses scream a life living in hell, but the chorus shines a heavenly hope. I feel that a video is definitely needed for this track.
Fly-Lyrics:2 spoons Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar:"I'm tearing up my city like John Hancock"I was waiting on a track where he was going to rock out on. This track is a good balance on the album. Moses shows his lyrical side on this track. It has a great party feel. I can see this track being a key performance track when he's doing shows. His cadence is nice on it as well.
Fighting for more-Lyrics:2 spoons and a bowl Beat: 2 spoons
favorite bar:"It's your time, but we waste it on getting wasted"This track is the essence of the album. This song literally sounds like the heart of man is talking about how it feels (it's condition) of life. This song explores the inner soul. This song also puts me in the mind of kanye West's song (and flow) "all falls down" with a more spiritual view.
Clean Air-Lyrics:2 spoons Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar:"I'm going weary cause clearly I'm not a star" (he's from Texas)The beat gives me a feel of summer breeze. Moses is very good on picking tracks that suit him. My favorite bar in this song is one of the best double entendres I've heard in a long time.
Needing you-Lyrics:2 spoon Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar:"I'm living like a dead man with a dead plan that's gong to die"
I think this is a good track to end the album with. It goes back to the theme of the album of choosing in your heart what decision you wantto make in your life. I love the last verse when the drums come in on the last verse. Moses flips his cadence to a double time flow and sounds nice doing it.
So what's your thoughts? Do you feel that Moses goes down as one of the greatest story tellers on wax? Did he give a great visual of the "heart condition"? Did his style mix well with rock? Give me your thoughts good or bad and remember...spread the soup!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Movement mentality vs. Monument mentality
What's brewing soup troopers? This "soup" is inspired from a conversation i had with tig knight (a filmmaker from Birmingham, Alabama-check out his work at and were talking about advancing our "movements" that we are doing. My movement is considered the "GO" movement aka "go mode" (i can elabarote on it on another blog). He made a comment about being the "martin luther king" of filmmakers in Birmingham. I can honestly say that tig knight is making a movement with his way of shooting film (shameless plug-he didn't ask for it though lol), but i can't speak for everyone else that uses that word. With the MLK holiday around the corner, I started thinking about how we use the word "movement" and if we are using it right and actually living up to what it means.
Movement has two key definitions. First, let's go to the root word and look up what the word "move" means. Move means to pass from one place to another. A better definition is that it means to advance or progress. The first definition of movement is the act, process or result of moving. The second one is a group of people with a common ideology, whether political or religious come together for a cause. We can all say that Martin luther king came correct with the concept of a "Movement". He wanted people to progress and advance. He had a political and religious theme with common people with his movement. WITH ALL THAT BEING ESTABLISHED-WHY DO WE USE THIS WORD "MOVEMENT" IN VAIN?
I hear so many people saying that they have a "movement", but they are not progressing or advancing!!!! They have bad attitudes and are not focused on nothing but advancing themselves. A movement eventually has people as a part of it....where are your common followers of your movement? How is your "movement" impacting the lives of others? Is your "movement" even impacting anyone? I'll tell you why so many "movements" are at a stop sign...because they are actually having a monument mentality.
A monument is something erected in memory of a person, event, etc., as a building, pillar, or statue. With all that being said-grab your spoons for this soup-some of us are following the monument of a idea then the actual movement of it. Here goes a religious aspect of movement vs. monument example-some churches use their physical buildings as a monument for Christ,but don't even follow the movement of what he did and accomplished. It's so sad to see empty crosses throughout a church, yet no one is ready to sacrifice their life for the gospel. Some churches have alters that say "Do this in remembrance of me" (monument) and they really don't even follow the movement of fellowship and love for all brothers and sisters.
On a political side of movement mentality vs. monument mentality is MLK day. I know so many African Americans that say they love MLK for his "I have the dream" speech, but still hate whites for what they done in the past. How can you celebrate about a man who spoke on non violence, but all you rap about is killing and selling drugs? You got caught up in the monument/idea and not the movement.
I'm not saying that monuments are bad, but we shouldn't idolize them. We shouldn't be caught up with making a "statue" of a good or inspiring idea and admiring it, that we forget why god even gave it to us. When you have a monument mentality...your being lazy and slothful. You can't just sell a couple of cds to your FRIENDS and think you got a movement started.You can't ride the coat tail of someone's movement and not do anything, because all you are is a statue (monument). The funny thing about that is...STATUES DON'T MOVE! I pray that this soup breaks monument mentalities and people really start movements. Remember-this is a you better move! Spread the soup!
Movement has two key definitions. First, let's go to the root word and look up what the word "move" means. Move means to pass from one place to another. A better definition is that it means to advance or progress. The first definition of movement is the act, process or result of moving. The second one is a group of people with a common ideology, whether political or religious come together for a cause. We can all say that Martin luther king came correct with the concept of a "Movement". He wanted people to progress and advance. He had a political and religious theme with common people with his movement. WITH ALL THAT BEING ESTABLISHED-WHY DO WE USE THIS WORD "MOVEMENT" IN VAIN?
I hear so many people saying that they have a "movement", but they are not progressing or advancing!!!! They have bad attitudes and are not focused on nothing but advancing themselves. A movement eventually has people as a part of it....where are your common followers of your movement? How is your "movement" impacting the lives of others? Is your "movement" even impacting anyone? I'll tell you why so many "movements" are at a stop sign...because they are actually having a monument mentality.
A monument is something erected in memory of a person, event, etc., as a building, pillar, or statue. With all that being said-grab your spoons for this soup-some of us are following the monument of a idea then the actual movement of it. Here goes a religious aspect of movement vs. monument example-some churches use their physical buildings as a monument for Christ,but don't even follow the movement of what he did and accomplished. It's so sad to see empty crosses throughout a church, yet no one is ready to sacrifice their life for the gospel. Some churches have alters that say "Do this in remembrance of me" (monument) and they really don't even follow the movement of fellowship and love for all brothers and sisters.
On a political side of movement mentality vs. monument mentality is MLK day. I know so many African Americans that say they love MLK for his "I have the dream" speech, but still hate whites for what they done in the past. How can you celebrate about a man who spoke on non violence, but all you rap about is killing and selling drugs? You got caught up in the monument/idea and not the movement.
I'm not saying that monuments are bad, but we shouldn't idolize them. We shouldn't be caught up with making a "statue" of a good or inspiring idea and admiring it, that we forget why god even gave it to us. When you have a monument mentality...your being lazy and slothful. You can't just sell a couple of cds to your FRIENDS and think you got a movement started.You can't ride the coat tail of someone's movement and not do anything, because all you are is a statue (monument). The funny thing about that is...STATUES DON'T MOVE! I pray that this soup breaks monument mentalities and people really start movements. Remember-this is a you better move! Spread the soup!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
4th Quarter Official Video
Two spoons down: I can’t watch this!!!!
one spoon up: Nice watch
Two spoons up: Hot!!!
Two spoons up and a bowl: A classic is in the brewing!!!
Video Concept: 2 spoons up
Video Creativity: 2 spoons up
Video Quality: 2 spoons up
Overall: 2 spoons up
Video highlights: O:11, 1:53, 2:23
CHICAN CAUGHT IT:0:42-girl to the left of twiceborn’s face-priceless! lol!
When i first heard of the track “4th quarter”, i was very interested. I did a whole album centered around football (really wasn’t trying to do a shameless plug lol) and really wanted to hear him bring it. It was a hit. Twiceborn’s “4th quarter” is featured in Higher ground’s record pool as the 18th track for the month of December. I was really feeling the angle that he used, so when i heard that he was making a video for the song-i was waiting on the “game day”. The video is actually directed by Di’Marco “Twiceborn” Baskin and shot by V & B cinema. The concept of the video is hot. Twiceborn is getting his team/the saints ready for the fourth quarter/final days. What i find is the key point to the creativity is the fact that his team, fans and “recruits” all have sanctified minds shirts/jerseys. The key player of this video is the ref. I’m guessing he represented God in the video. I will say this about him....he is the most serious ref i have ever seen in my life!LOL! He really added flavor to the video. The only downside of the video is the stand shots for not having a full audience. However, according to twiceborn, some of the cast couldn’t make it out for the shoot that day. I guess you will make it up on the next video i review from the “4th quarter” project? LOL! On the final note, this really was a great video. Not just because of the concept, but how twiceborn was able to get his own friends and family in the video to help bring fourth his vision. Get that ref to crack a smile! #Spreadthesoup
Track name: Souperbowl Sunday
Produced by: Qaz of productions/ G.T.M. Beats
Favorite bar: I'll stop murder,I'll stop perversion/that's what i call a two point conversion
I loved recording this track. I wanted to make it funny, yet serious. I knew with it being the title track, it had to be special. I wanted Constantine the emcee to be the other voice of the announcer (you do know i was righteous rufus....right?), but he had a better idea...Thed Weller. Thed Weller is a Birmingham, AL emcee that is known for his comedic side. I'm a fan and was honored to have him on the track. I truly believe thed did a great job. The funny thing about it-we weren't in the studio at the same time. It was weird, because i had to lay my part down like i was arguing with myself!LOL! I really have to commend Thed for coming in and making my rambling rant sound good. LOL! I really love how qaz made the beat change every 8 bars. It's supposed to have a calm feel with the commentators and crunker when i actually begin rapping. I also thank constantine the emcee for placing this track at the right spot to give a good end to the "pre show" of the album and leading into the actual "game" of the album. So, what's your thoughts? Do you like the way thed and i ranted back and forth with each other? Do you like the feel of the song? Do you think the track created the feel of the song? Do you think it was just down right corny? I want to hear your thoughts? Make sure your spreading the soup and checking out all of the other tracks and commentaries. Thanks and once again...spread the soup!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
2011-separate the real "1" from the fake "1"
What's brewing soup troopers? This is 2011!!!! I've told a couple of people that this is going a great year, but it's going to be a very critical year of observation. This is going to be the year where you'll be dealing with your friends and enemies according to the "11". It seems as though the both look so much alike. They seem like they are the same, but this year is the year to separate the real "1" from the fake "1". It is so many of you out there that have dreams, goals, visions, purpose and prophecies told to you, but your "friends" are holding you back.Real friends wouldn't keep you away from what is destined to you. Watch out for the friends that want you to stay around and not go to the next level, because they may get lonely. Watch out for the friends that have no drive in their life and want you to be in park.Watch out for friends that would rather network, then to fellowship with you-w.i.i.f.m. (what's in it for me). Watch out for boyfriends/girlfriends that just want to have sex, but don't want to get married. Watch out for friends that talk about other people all day-because when your not around...they are talking about you! Artists, watch out for artists that want to "collab" with you, just to use your name to further their career. Artists, watch out for promotional companies that take your money and don't produce anything for you. You'll notice the real from the fake according to what they take. If they can take instruction or rebuke well, then you know they are cool. But if you can't tell them anything...let them go. If your always giving them money, time, energy and they don't return it...return them from where you got them from! Don't run behind nobody this year. If they don't want to call you or hang out with you-then they are actually doing a favor. Please take the time to prayer and figure out the real "1" from the fake "1", because you don't have time going through all this in 2011. And if you are the one who i may be talking about as being the fake "1", it's OK-you got time to change. This is some good soup-so make sure you eat all of it and comment back and let me know if i was talking to you and anything that came from reading this blog. Spread the soup!
Monday, January 3, 2011
solution for you in 2011
What's brew'n soup troopers? I just wanted to tell all of you that my prayer for you this year is that you won't bring any pain, hurt, failures or disappointments from 2010 into 2011. This will be a new year for you. Not because of some numerical change, but because of your number of changes you will and have prepared for this year. You will be more faithful. You will be more focused. You will be more humble. You will have more love in your heart. You will study more. You will pray more. You will receive your harvest. This is not a resolution. Don't look for another solution then the only one...God. This is my prayer for all of my soup troopers or ones reading this blog right now. Spread the soup and let's go in 2011!!!
Track name: Adrenaline
Produced by: QAZ from aka G.T.M. beats
Favorite bar: "ready to die cause there's life after death"
I have to say that this track is my hidden weapon/gem on the album. Some people may feel as though this track doesn't fit the album, but it does. It is basically saying that I'm ready to get into the "game" and I'm so hype and gone off of "adrenaline" because I'm in the game/hip hop game now. I have to be clear that the second bar about dame dash is not a diss. It may seem as though it is, but it has a double meaning-which either way you look at it, it's not good, but I'm not attacking him. I have to say this is ties with being my favorite track to write on the album. I wanted to give love to all the artist that helped shape my style, but i didn't get to everyone of them-so that means maybe....a part 2?????????
So what do you think? Think i mentioned some people who i shouldn't have? Out of all the artists, which one do you think influenced me the most? Which names should i have put in? Let me hear your thoughts. See, show, subscribe and share. Spread the soup!
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