First off, i want to start this review off by saying that kryst lyke is one of the most humblest artists i know. I've seen him around at different events and I've noticed how nice and down to earth he is. He has a teachable spirit and doesn't feel like he knows everything. (Soapbox please) This is how artists need to be. This guy has a HUGE following and fan base and it hasn't changed him. If he is shady, then he must be a great actor. He has servant mentality. Let me give you a good example of his service style. I had a show and i wanted him to come to it. He was coming back in town that day and came through-straight from the show, just to support. He didn't get to perform, no special shout out or anything like that-he just came to support. When will we all get that? (Remove soapbox) Now, Let's get down to business.
And the business we shall get to...is kingdom. Kryst lyke delivers a energized EP of biblical praise and honor to God on "Keep it kingdom". Kryst lyke has a great ear for production. All of the tracks are certified bangers. This is his first solo project and I think that the ep style (six tracks) give the audience a good feel of who he is and what you are in for throughout the album...crunkness. The album literally rides like his set or a big performance track. I can see why he has so many shows,because fans know that they are in for a fast pace, get out your seat and sweat time. However, this is what also causes a opportunity (not really a problem).
I saw two opportunities for the next project for kryst lyke. First off, i would like to hear more about him personally. The high energy was great, but as a fan, i didn't hear that track to connect me to him. Now, don't get me wrong. He is very engaged with his fans at shows and via his social networking sites, but i really wanted to get a more intimate track from him. Secondly, I want to hear him on some slow tracks. I understand he had a consistent flow of up tempo tracks on the album, but i wanted to get a little variety. I wouldn't want to see kryst lyke get put in the "one dimensional" category.
Keep it kingdom is a very addictive album. Choruses will have you singing along before the track is even over. My three favorite tracks are Crazy praize, j.u.m.p. and ampmazing. This is a real good listen. The production and consistency of the album give it two spoons. So, let's break down the album:
1.Crazy Praize ft Roc-Lyrics:2 spoons Beat:2 spoons and a bowl Favorite bar:"I'm insane,I'm going wild/Cause i know the father and i know I'm his child" I love when the first bars of a album jump out and grab me. This sets the tone for the "ride" of the listen of it. My favorite bar is the beginning bar, so i knew i was going to feel the album. The chorus is "crazy"! Roc comes in with a swagged out flow and complements the track nicely. This track has huge video potential.
2.Amazing ft. Te'Aye-Lyrics-1 spoon Beat:2 spoons Favortie bar:"I hear my stomach grumbling, the the word is what i am craving" Kryst lyke has a way with choruses. He can make something so simple, sound so huge. Once again, he picks someone with a different flow, Te'Aye, and complements him and the track well. One can hear the passion and conviction in his verses.
3. J.U.M.P.(Jesus use me please)-Lyrics-1 spoon Beat:1 spoon Favorite bar:"Slide,dip j.u.m.p." This track isn't lyrical or deep, but it's so creative! Jump is a simple prayer that is echoed throughout the song. This is a track for everyone of all ages. He even has j.u.m.p. wrist bands for fans. This is also a track i can see with a video.
4.P.O.S.E.(praise on Satan's Ego)-Lyrics-2 spoons Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar:"call me EA sports, that dude kryst is in the game" The beat really goes well with Kryst lyke on this track. He has a grimer and darker edge on the track and it actually works for him. This track does make me want to get a camera and p.o.s.e. though! LOL!
5.Walls of Jericho-Lyrics-2 spoons Beat:2 spoons Favorite bar:"Kingdom all stars, me and j.c. time for us to go ball" Kryst lyke actually changes his flow up and goes with a sped up cadence. It's refreshing to see him go with another type of flow. He even slows it down for us later, so we can catch what he's saying. There is a line in here about ground zero and i pray that people listen in a correct context and don't take it the wrong way. i know how some people try to find something out of nothing. Nice bars and great message.
6.Ampmazinf ft. Alreddy Reddy-Lyrics-2 spoons Beat: 2 spoons and a bowl favorite bar (2xs tie):"kinda like flour, self rising" " I gave my life for you, you gave your son for me/on the tree calvary-that makes us family" This is a great track to end the album on. Alreddy Reddy mixes his track "amped up" on this mesh track. Reddy's style is so cool and drops some of his best bars I've heard thus far. I believe that this is kyrst lyke's best verse on the album. It simplifies what he stands for and his style. This is surely a atmosphere changing track and needs a video for it.
You can follow Kryst lyke and purchase his CD from facebook.com/krystlyke and twitter.com/krystlyke .So what do you think? Is this album kryst lyke or Christ not? Is it really crunk or keeps you sitting in your seat? Did you agree-that you wanted to hear more personal songs or am i being to hard? Let me and kryst lyke know your thoughts and spread the review around. Spread the soup.
U hit this review ampmazingly great review I will be sending mine your way also
ReplyDeleteThat post above was from Alreddy Reddy
ReplyDelete@alreddy reddy-thanks and send it to me as soon as u done. I was really feeling ur verse. Make sure u subscribe and share this with everyone. Spread the soup