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Sunday, October 31, 2010

what a week!!!!

What's brew'm soup troop? WOW, WHAT A WEEK! First off, I got food posioning this week and it was a LONG week at work. I never get sick, it's not that i think i'm souperman, it's just that i never get sick. For the last three years at my job, i got a check from my attendance for not using my sick time. It's a blessing and plus, i just work through it, if i feel bad or something i just sweat it out (lol)! the only time i ever get sick is when i get food posioned and it just so happened that this week-and for the first time-i had three shows for the weekend. I'm not the one to cancel shows, so i continued to push through.I prayed and didn't have to worry about fasting (cause i couldn't eat anything anyway lol). The first show went well. I was outside, so the weather messed with me a little. The kids really enjoyed it and wanted a encore, but i had to bounce to get ready for the next show. The second show went great, but i had the WORST case of cottonmouth EVER! My third show was the best. I love my band. We connect so well, that even though we didn't pratice, we can flow so well. We even flowed/freestyled into a whole new song! And low and behold-my food posioning has passed through. When you focus on the right things, everything else doesn't seem so important. I put myself and how i was feeling out the picture, because i know people were depending on me. This will be a week to remember. Spread the soup


  1. Continue to do God's work brotha! You're a blessing

  2. thanks will do and thanks for reading the blogs
